CvTracker C++ library
Table of contents
- Overview
- Versions
- Library files
- Key features and capabilities
- Operating principles
- Supported pixel formats
- CvTracker class description
- CvTracker class declaration
- How to use the library
- getVersion method
- initVTracker method
- setParam method
- getParam method
- getParams method
- executeCommand method
- processFrame method
- getImage method
- decodeAndExecuteCommand method
- encodeSetParamCommand method of VTracker class
- encodeCommand method of VTracker class
- decodeCommand method of VTracker class
- Data structures
- VTrackerParams class description
- Build and connect to your project
- Simple example
- Demo application
C++ library CvTracker is intended for automatic object video tracking. The library is written in C++ (C++17 standard) and compatible with any processors and operating systems supporting C++ compiler (C++17 standard) and, optionally CUDA Toolkit for forward and backward FFT operations. The library provides fast calculation, compatibility with low-power processors, high accuracy and contains a lot of additional functions and modes, which allow using it in camera systems of any configuration. It contains an advanced tracking algorithm CSRM developed by ConstantRobotics. The library provides tracking of low-contrast and small-sized objects against a complex background. The library contains a description of the C++ class CvTracker. A single instance of the CvTracker class provides tracking of a single object on video. To track several objects simultaneously, several instances of the CvTracker class must be created. CvTracker library depends on third-party libraries: VTracker interface library (defines programming interface, source code included, Apache 2.0 license) and cuFFT (linked, optional if platform supports CUDA, custom license similar to the BSD 2-Clause License). Additionally CvTracker demo application depends on third-party libraries: OpenCV open source library (for user interface, linked, version >= 4.5.0, Apache 2.0 license), FormatConverterOpenCv (provides functions to convert pixel formats, source code included) and SimpleFileDialog (file dialog library, source code included, Apache 2.0 license). In the CMake configuration step, the library determines whether CUDA support is available on the device. If CUDA is supported, the library will be compiled using cuFFT. The user can select the computation platform (CPU or GPU) in the library parameters at runtime.
Table 1 - Library versions.
Version | Release date | What’s new |
7.2.0 | 12.12.2023 | Version 7.2.0. |
8.0.0 | 25.12.2022 | - The calculation speed has been increased. - Tracking stability has been improved. - Added support for YUV, YUYV, UYVY, NV12, RGB, BGR video formats for better tracking stability. - The number of configurable parameters has been reduced. - New control commands added. |
8.1.0 | 10.06.2023 | - Added new demo application for Windows and Linux. - Code optimized. |
9.0.0 | 19.12.2023 | - Classes names changed. - Added new pixel format support. - Code optimized. - Tracking stability improved. - Programming interface changed. - Set/get params methods thread-safe. |
9.0.1 | 15.01.2023 | - Submodules updated. |
9.0.2 | 11.03.2024 | - Typos in demo application fixed. |
9.0.3 | 19.03.2024 | - VTracker interface updated. - Demo mode fixed. - Frame ID according to source frame ID implemented. - Documentation updated. |
9.0.4 | 21.05.2024 | - Submodules updated. - Documentation updated. |
9.0.5 | 07.07.2024 | - Submodules updated. - CMake updated. - Files structure updated. - Added examples how to connect compiled version to the CMake project. |
9.1.0 | 03.09.2024 | - CUDA support is added. - Fixed move rectangle functions in FREE mode. - OpenCV dependency is excluded. - Performance (calculation speed) ia improved. |
9.2.0 | 02.12.2024 | - Code optimized, calculation speed increased >30% in comparison with v9.1.0. - Add frame buffer size == 1 option to exclude copy frame data into internal buffer. - VSourceOpenCv library excluded from demo application. |
9.2.1 | 09.12.2024 | - Missing pixel formats are implemented. |
9.3.0 | 20.02.2025 | - Add parameters for object loss detection. - Add *.so file generation for Linux. |
9.3.1 | 05.03.2025 | - Fix mutex unlock issue. |
Library files
The library supplied by source code or in form compiled library. The user would be given a set of files in the form of a CMake project (repository). The repository structure is shown below (source code of the library):
CMakeLists.txt ----------------- Main CMake file of the library.
3rdparty ----------------------- Folder with third-party libraries.
CMakeLists.txt ------------- CMake file to includes third-party libraries.
VTracker ------------------- Folder with VTracker library source code.
benchmark ---------------------- Folder with benchmark application.
CMakeLists.txt ------------- CMake file for the benchmark application.
main.cpp ------------------- Source code file of the benchmark application.
demo --------------------------- Folder with demo application.
3rdparty ------------------- Folder with third-party libraries for demo application.
CMakeLists.txt --------- CMake file which includes third-party libraries.
FormatConverterOpenCv -- Folder with FormatConverterOpenCv library source code.
SimpleFileDialog ------- Folder with SimpleFileDialog library source code.
VSourceOpenCv ---------- Folder with VSourceOpenCv library source code.
CMakeLists.txt ------------- CMake file for the demo application.
main.cpp ------------------- Source code file of the demo application.
example ------------------------ Folder with CvTracker example application.
CMakeLists.txt ------------- CMake file for the example application.
main.cpp ------------------- Source code file of the example application.
src ---------------------------- Folder with source code of the library.
CMakeLists.txt ------------- CMake file of the library.
CvTracker.cpp -------------- C++ implementation file.
CvTracker.h ---------------- Header file which includes CvTracker class declaration.
CvTrackerVersion.h --------- Header file which includes version of the library. ------ CMake service file to generate version file.
Impl ----------------------- Folder with CSRM video tracker implementation files.
CsrmTracker.h ---------- Header file with CSRM video tracker implementation.
CsrmTracker.cpp -------- Source code file with CSRM video tracker implementation.
fft.h ------------------ Source code of FFT library (BSD license).
Files of compiled version of CvTracker library:
include -------------------- Folder with header files.
CvTracker.h ------------ Main header file of the library.
CvTrackerVersion.h ----- Header file with library version.
ConfigReader.h --------- Header file of ConfigReader library.
ConfigReaderVersion.h -- Header file with ConfigReader library version.
nlohmann_json.hpp ------ Header file of JSON parser library.
Frame.h ---------------- Header file of Frame library.
FrameVersion.h --------- Header file with Frame library version.
VTracker.h ------------- Header file of VTracker interface library.
VTrackerVersion.h ------ Header file with VTracker interface library version.
lib ------------------------ Folder with libraries.
CvTracker.lib ---------- CvTracker static library file file for Windows.
libCvTracker.a --------- CvTracker static library file for Linux. -------- CvTracker shared library file for Linux.
Key features and capabilities
Table 2 - Key features and capabilities.
Parameter | Value and description |
Programming language | C++ (standard C++17) and cuFFT (optional) to perform Fast Fourier transforms. |
Compatibility with different operating systems | Compatible with any operating system that supports the C++ compiler (standard C++17). |
Maximum size of the tracking rectangle | 128x128 pixels. It is possible to track part of an object if it does not fit into the tracking rectangle. The shape of the tracking rectangle can be any within the minimum and maximum allowable limits. |
Minimum size of the tracking rectangle | 16x16 pixels. The object can be 2x2 pixels size for normal tracking. |
Minimum object size | 2x2 pixels. |
The minimum object contrast | 5%. Contrast refers to the ratio of the difference between the average brightness of pixels belonging to the object and the average brightness of pixels belonging to the background. The demo application is designed to evaluate this parameter. |
Maximum object offset per one frame | The library provides tracking of objects as they change their position (change the position of the object center) per one video frame of up to 110 pixels in any direction. The maximum allowable object displacement per video frame is determined by the search window size, which is set by the user. |
Discreteness of object coordinates | 1 pixel when estimating the center of an object (center of a tracking rectangle). |
Object size estimation | The library estimates the size and position of an object within the tracking rectangle to enable automatic adjustment of its position and size at the operator’s command. |
Auto adjustment of the tracking rectangle position | The library can automatically adjust the position of the tracking rectangle while tracking an object. This allows to reduce the probability of tracking failure in the case of tracking dynamic maneuvering objects. User can enable/disable this function. |
Auto adjustment of the tracking rectangle size | The library can automatically adjust the size of the tracking rectangle while tracking an object. This allows to reduce the probability of tracking failure in the case of tracking dynamic maneuvering objects. User can enable/disable this function. |
Object speed estimation | The library calculates the horizontal and vertical components of object speed in video frames (pixels per frame). |
Changing the parameters | The library allows user to change parameters of the tracking algorithm even while tracking. Excepts input pixel format and number of color channels for processing. |
Supported pixel formats | Supported pixel formats of input video frames: GRAY, BGR, RGB, YUV, YUYV, UYVY, NV12, NV21, YU12 and YV12. For each pixel format the algorithm can use one or more color channels for processing. See section “Supported pixel formats”. |
Maximum and minimum video frame sizes to be processed | The maximum size of the video frames for processing is 8192x8192 pixels, the minimum is 240x240 pixels. |
Calculation time | The library performs calculations for each video frame. Calculation speed does not depend on video frame sizes, but depends on library parameters. The main parameters which determine calculation speed are: 1. search windows size, 2. input pixel format, 3. number of color channels for processing. The library does not perform any background tasks. The library uses only one physical or logical processor core to perform calculations or number of cores equal to number of color channel if this option set by user. |
Object loss detection | The library automatically detects when an object is lost and switches the algorithm into LOST mode - trajectory prediction mode. When the object detection criteria are met, the library automatically recaptures the object (TRACKING mode). There are some limitations. It is recommended to test this function with demo application. |
Adaptation to object shape and size changes | While tracking an object, the library adapts to object shape, size and brightness changes. |
Obstacles processing | If an object is partially (up to 50%) blocked by a barrier, there is no tracking loss. The performance of the library in specific situations can be evaluated with the demo application. |
Object search window | The size of the object’s search area is set by the user in the library’s parameters. The library’s tracking algorithm searches object in a search area whose center coincides with the center of the tracking rectangle in the previous video frame. The library allows you to set only the following search area widths: 128 or 256 pixels, and possible search area heights of 128 or 256 pixels in any combination. It is recommended that the search area width and height be set to the same value. |
Type of tracking algorithm | The calculations are performed using a modified correlation tracking algorithm CSRM developed by Constant Robotics Ltd. |
STOP-FRAME function and compensation for communication delays | The library allows user to compensate time delays that occur in communication channels when transmitting object capture commands. The library also allows you to implement a STOP-FRAME mode to assist the operator in capturing dynamic objects. The duration of the STOP-FRAME mode can be set in the library parameters. |
Note: The values in the table are applied to the concept of video frame(s) and the concept of pixel.
Operating principles
How the tracking algorithm works
The video tracker provides the following principle of operation: each video frame without dropping must be send to the tracker for processing regardless of the current tracker operation mode. If the tracker is not in tracking mode, the tracker does not perform frame processing, but the processing function must be called by user. Figure 1 shows basic principles of object search on video frames.
Figure 1 - Basic principles of object search. (1 - object image on the current frame, 2 - tracking rectangle calculated after processing of the current frame, 3 - position of the tracking rectangle on the previous frame, 4 - object search window on the current frame relative to the position of the tracking rectangle on the previous frame, 5 - current video frame)
At the moment of object capturing, the rectangular area of the video frame (capture rectangle) specified in the capture parameters (position and size) is taken as the object reference image, on the basis of which the pattern is formed. The algorithm then searches an object in each frame of the video in particular search window. Search window is area bounded by the algorithm’s parameters with the center coinciding with the calculated center of the tracking rectangle on the previous video frame (or the center of the capture rectangle if the first frame after capture is being processed, position of search window can be change by user for any video frame). The algorithm generates a surface of the spatial distribution of the probability (correlation surface) of the object presence in the search window. Once the surface is formed, it is analyzed to determine the most probable position of the object on the processed video frame (position of maximum value of the correlation surface). The calculated most probable position of the tracking object (with highest value of correlation function) in the current video frame (calculated center of the tracking rectangle) is taken as the coordinates of the object. Calculation of object movement (horizontal and vertical velocity components) is performed for each processed video. For each processed video frame, the algorithm calculates the position of the center of the tracking rectangle, the position and size of the object rectangle (the rectangle describes the size of the object image) in the tracking rectangle, and the speed components of the tracking object on the video frames (pixels per frame). Figure 1 shows a schematic representation of a video frame (5) that contains an image of a object (1). Assume that on the previous video frame the object was in the area corresponding to area (3), which is the area of the tracking rectangle (the most probable position of the object) in the previous video frame. The library performs object search in the area (4) whose center coincides with the position of the center of the tracking rectangle (3) in the previous video frame.
The tracking algorithm does not distinguish between pixels belonging to an object or background within the tracking rectangle immediately after capturing an object. Over time (as several frames are processed), the algorithm estimates whether a pixel within the tracking rectangle belongs to an object or to the background. Based on this information, the algorithm improves the quality of further tracking and estimates the size and position of the object (object image) within the tracking rectangle to enable subsequent automatic parameter adjustments at the operator’s command or fully automatic. Tracker support follow modes:
Table 3 - Tracking algorithm operating modes.
Mode | Description |
FREE - free mode. | In this mode, video tracker does not perform any calculations. Video tracker only adds video frames to the frame buffer. Conditions for entering FREE mode: 1. Once the video tracker has been initialized. This mode is the default mode. 2. Automatically when the automatic tracking reset criteria are met. 3. After command RESET. |
TRACKING - tracking mode. | In this mode the video tracker performs video tracking and updates all calculated (estimated) object parameters. Criteria for entering TRACKING mode: 1. After the CAPTURE command. 2. Automatically from LOST mode when object detection criteria are met. |
LOST - object loss mode. | In this mode, the video tracker searches object for automatic re-capture (switching to TRACKING mode) and updates it’s coordinates in one of the ways specified in the parameters. LOST mode contains the following additional modes: 0. Tracking rectangle coordinates are not updated (remain the same as before entering LOST mode). 1. The tracking rectangle coordinates are updated based on the components of the object’s speed calculated before going into LOST mode. When the tracking rectangle reaches any edge of the frame, the coordinate update in the corresponding direction stops. 2. The tracking rectangle coordinates are updated based on the components of the speed of objects in the video frames calculated before going into LOST mode. When the tracking reset criteria is met, the tracker switches to FREE mode. Criteria for entering LOST mode: 1. Automatically when object loss is detected. 2. On command from TRACKING mode. 3. On command from INERTIAL mode. 4. On command from STATIC mode. |
INERTIAL - inertial tracking mode. | In this mode the video tracker does not search for an object to recapture automatically, but only updates the coordinates of the tracking rectangle based on the previously calculated velocity components of the objects. Criteria for entering INERTIAL mode: 1. On command from TRACKING mode. 2. On command from LOST mode. 3. On command from STATIC mode. |
STATIC - static mode. | This mode does not perform any calculations and the tracking rectangle coordinates remain the same as before going into this mode. This mode is necessary to “freeze” the tracking algorithm for a certain number of frames. For example, if the tracking system is exposed to strong vibrations, it is possible to “freeze” the tracking algorithm until the vibration ends. |
Figure 2 shows the operating mode graph and the possible transitions between them. The words “Auto” in figure 2 indicate the ability to change the mode automatically if the relevant criteria are met. The words “Command” indicated the ability to change mode by user’s command.
Figure 2 - Operation modes of the tracking algorithm. (Auto – automatic mode change capability)
Figure 2 shows the graph of operation modes. There are the following conditions for automatic mode changes (word “Auto” in figure 2): 1. Automatic switching from TRACKING to FREE mode is possible only if the tracking rectangle center has touched (coincided in coordinates) any of the video frame edges (in case appropriate LOST mode option). 2. The automatic switching from TRACKING to LOST mode is possible when an object loss is detected – when the calculated object detection probability falls below the threshold. 3. Automatic switching from LOST to TRACKING mode is possible when an object is detected again after a loss - when the calculated object detection probability exceeds the threshold. 4. Automatic reset of tracking in the LOST mode (switch to FREE mode) is possible when the center of the tracking rectangle touches the edge of the video frame (if the LOST mode option set to 2), as well as when the number of frames specified in the parameters has expired, at which the algorithm is continuously in LOST mode. 5. Automatic reset of tracking in INERTIAL mode (switch to FREE mode) is possible when the center of the tracking rectangle reaches the edge of the frame.
Object loss detection
The CvTracker library automatically detects when an object is lost and switches the algorithm into LOST mode - trajectory prediction mode. When the object detection criteria are met, the library automatically recaptures the object (TRACKING mode). The algorithm makes a decision about object loss based on correlation surface analysis. Correlation surface is a matrix, each element of which represents the probability of presence of an object in the corresponding position of the search area. When processing each video frame, the algorithm calculates the correlation surface. Default size of correlation surface and search window is 256x256 elements. After that, the algorithm finds the position of the maximal element taking into account the object trajectory and calculates two criteria: PSR (Peak to Strobe Ration) and the measure of similarity of the correlation surface with the correlation surface in the previous frame of the video - CorrOfCorr. The PSR is defined as the ratio of the peak value of the correlation surface to the standard deviation of the sidelobe values (the values surrounding the peak). It helps to distinguish between a true object detection and noise or false detections. The typical values of PSR are: less then 3 - probably object loss, 3-7 - hight probability of object loss, more then 7 - stable tracking. The CorrOfCorr criteria shows how similar area around maximum position to area on previous frame. CorrOfCorr criteria has values from -1 (absolutely no similar) to 1 (identical). For each processing frame the library calculate filtered values of PSR and CorrOfCorr: fPSR and fCorrOfCorr. The user can set criteria for object loss detection and criteria for automatic object capture after loss. The object loss criteria are:
PSR < minPSR && (PSR < fPSR * PsrCoeff || CorrOfCorr < fCorrOfCorr * CorrCoeff)
minPSR is minimum PSR value. Default value is 2.5. If PSR value less then minPSR it indicates about object loss. The higher the value, the more sensitive the algorithm is to object loss detection. fPSR if filtered PSR value. PsrCoeff is coefficient from 0 to 1 defines the threshold for PSR value. Default value is 0.5. The higher the value, the more sensitive the algorithm is to object loss detection. fCorrOfCorr if filtered similarity criteria. CorrCoeff is coefficient from 0 to 1 defines the threshold for CorrOfCorr value. Default value is 0.5. The higher the value, the more sensitive the algorithm is to object loss detection.
After object loss the library tries to detect object and capture it for tracking automatically. The capture criteria after loss:
PSR > minPSR && (PSR > fPSR * PsrCoeff || CorrOfCorr > fCorrOfCorr * CorrCoeff)
Stop-frame function
If a moving object needs to be captured, this can often be difficult for the user because they need to align the tracking rectangle with an object that keeps changing its position on the video frames. In addition, it is difficult to capture a stationary object in case of camera vibration. To help the user capture an object in challenging dynamic environments, the library has a STOP-FRAME function. This function allows the user to stop the video playback and accurately capture an object on a stopped video frame.
The function works as follows: video frames is put to the library for processing frame-by-frame. The library places frames in a ring buffer of the size specified by user in library parameters. The tracking data contains an index corresponding to the position of the frame added to the ring buffer and is transmitted to the control system via communication channel. The user of the control system sees the video from the cameras on the monitor. Each video frame has its own identifier assigned by the tracking algorithm. The user can stop video playback, move the capture rectangle to an object on a stopped video frame and capture. When a capture command is formed, it includes a video frame identifier corresponding to the displayed video frame. When a capture command is received by the library, the object is captured on the frame in the frame buffer according to the identifier specified in the capture command. The video frame on which the object is captured will be some time behind the current video frame from the camera (the number of frames corresponding to the time the control system operator “stops” the video, with the addition of the delay time in the communication channels). After a capture, the algorithm switches to tracking mode. When processing subsequent frames, the library sequentially processes the frames in the frame buffer, starting with the frame where the object was captured. When a processing method of the library method is called, multiple frames are processed to “catch up” the current video frame. In this way the library “catches up” the current video frame from the camera in a short time and enters normal tracking mode. This function significantly reduces the skills requirements for users of tracking systems. WARNING: until the library has “caught up” the current video frame, it is not recommended to turn the pan-tilt systems. This may result in incorrect operation of the tracking systems.
Communication channel time delay compensation
When controlling the tracking system remotely (via communication channels), communication delays negatively affect the quality of the object being captured by the user. Video captured by the tracker device is compressed and transmitted to the control system with some delay. When the operator captures object the generated capture command also arrives at the tracker device with some delay. The capture command contains the coordinates of the capture rectangle center. When capturing a dynamic object, due to time delays in the communication channels, the captured area will not match the object. Figure 2 shows the displacement between capture rectangle and real object position.
Figure 3 - Position error of the capture rectangle.
Figure 3 shows a video frame coming into the tracker device from the camera (left) and a video frame displayed to a user of the control system (right) at the same point of time. Assume that the video frame captured from the camera is simultaneously put to the tracking algorithm and sent to the control system. At time T1, the object was at one frame position. This frame after some time (encoding time + video frame transmission time + decoding time + display time) is displayed to the operator (user), who performs object capture. For operator the object position is corresponding to the time T1. Once an object has been captured, the capture command is sent to the tracking algorithm with some delay (command generation time + command transmission time + command decoding time) (time moment T2). The algorithm captures an object in the current video frame. If the object is moving, the error (horizontally and vertically) in the position of the capture rectangle will be as follows: \(∆X=(T_2-T_1)*V_x\)
\[∆Y=(T_2-T_1)*V_y\]where: ∆X – horizontal position error in pixels; ∆Y – vertical position error in pixels; T1 – the point in time corresponding to the frame displayed to the user; T2 – the point in time corresponding to the current video frame; Vx – the horizontal component of the speed of an object in video frames (pixels per frame); Vy – the vertical component of the speed of the object in the video frames (pixels per frame).
To compensate for errors that occur, a video frame identifier must be included in the capture command. The principle for compensating of time delays in communication channels is identical to that of the STOP-FRAME function.
Supported pixel formats
The library uses input video frames in form of Frame class object which declared in Frame.h (included in VTracker interface class). The library supports only 8 bit color depth RAW pixel formats: GRAY, BGR, RGB, YUV, YUYV, UYVY, NV12, NV21, YU12 and YV12. Table 4 shows bytes layout for different pixels formats.
Table 4 - Bytes layout of supported pixel formats. Example of 4x4 pixels image.
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CvTracker class description
CvTracker class declaration
CvTracker interface class declared in CvTracker.h file. Class declaration:
class CvTracker : public VTracker
/// Get string of the library version.
static std::string getVersion();
/// Class constructor.
/// Class destructor.
/// Init video tracker. All params will be set.
bool initVTracker(VTrackerParams& params) override;
/// Set video tracker param.
bool setParam(VTrackerParam id, float value) override;
/// Get video tracker parameter value.
float getParam(VTrackerParam id) override;
/// Get video tracker params (results).
void getParams(VTrackerParams& params) override;
/// Execute command.
bool executeCommand(VTrackerCommand id,
float arg1 = 0,
float arg2 = 0,
float arg3 = 0) override;
/// Process frame. Must be used for each input video frame.
bool processFrame(cr::video::Frame& frame) override;
/// Get image of internal surfaces.
void getImage(int type, cr::video::Frame& image) override;
/// Decode and execute command.
bool decodeAndExecuteCommand(uint8_t* data, int size) override;
How to use the library
The library consists of a few source code files. To use the library, the developer must include the library to the C++ project. The CvTracker.h file contains the declaration of the CvTracker С++ class, which implements the tracking algorithm. The way of use of the library:
- Connect the library files and OpenCV library to your project.
- Create an instance of the CvTracker C++ class.
- Set parameters of the library through calling the setParam(…) method, if necessary. It is thread-safe.
- Call the processFrame(…) method to process the each video frame.
- To perform commands use executeCommand(…) method. It is thread-safe.
- The getParams(…) method is used to get the tracking results.
getVersion method
The getVersion() method returns string of current version of CvTracker class. Method declaration:
static std::string getVersion();
Method can be used without CvTracker class instance:
cout << "CvTracker class version: " << CvTracker::getVersion() << endl;
Console output:
CvTracker class version: 9.3.1
initVTracker method
The initVTracker(…) method initializes video tracker by set of params. Method declaration:
bool initVTracker(VTrackerParams& params) override;
Parameter | Value |
params | VTrackerParams class object which contains video tracker parameters. The library initializes all supported parameters listed in VTrackerParams class. VTrackerParams class provided by VTracker interface class. |
Returns: TRUE if the video tracker initialized or FALSE if not.
setParam method
The setParam(…) method sets new video tracker parameter value. It is thread-safe method. This means that the setParam(…) method can be safely called from any thread. NOTE: the new parameter value will be applied only when processing next video frame. Method declaration:
bool setParam(VTrackerParam id, float value) override;
Parameter | Description |
id | Parameter ID according to VTrackerParam enum. VTrackerParam enum provided by VTracker interface class. Not all parameters supported by CvTracker. |
value | Parameter value. Value depends on parameter ID. |
Returns: TRUE if the parameter was set or FALSE if not (not supported or out of valid range).
getParam method
The getParam(…) method returns video tracker parameter value. It is thread-safe method. This means that the getParam(…) method can be safely called from any thread. Method declaration:
float getParam(VTrackerParam id) override;
Parameter | Description |
id | Parameter ID according to VTrackerParam enum. VTrackerParam enum provided by VTracker interface class. Not all parameters supported by CvTracker. |
Returns: parameter value or -1 if the parameters not supported by CvTracker.
getParams method
The getParams(…) method returns video tracker params class and tracking results. It is thread-safe method. This means that the getParams(…) method can be safely called from any thread. Method declaration:
void getParams(VTrackerParams& params) override;
Parameter | Description |
params | Video tracker parameters class object (VTrackerParams class). VTrackerParams class provided by VTracker interface class. |
executeCommand method
The executeCommand(…) method executes video tracker command. It is thread-safe executeCommand(…) method. This means that the executeCommand(…) method can be safely called from any thread. Method declaration:
bool executeCommand(VTrackerCommand id, float arg1 = 0, float arg2 = 0, float arg3 = 0) override;
Parameter | Description |
id | Command ID according to VTrackerCommand enum. VTrackerCommand enum provided by VTracker interface class. |
arg1 | First argument. Value depends on command ID (see VTrackerCommand enum description). |
arg2 | Second argument. Value depends on command ID (see VTrackerCommand enum description). |
arg3 | Third argument. Value depends on command ID (see VTrackerCommand enum description). |
Returns: TRUE is the command was executed or FALSE if not.
processFrame method
The processFrame(…) method processes video frame. To get actual tracking results use getParams(…) method. Regardless of the operating mode, the tracker compiles frame data into internal buffers. Method declaration:
bool processFrame(cr::video::Frame& frame) override;
Parameter | Description |
frame | Video frame for processing. Video tracker processes only RAW pixel formats (BGR24, RGB24, GRAY, YUYV24, YUYV, UYVY, NV12, NV21, YV12, YU12, see Frame class description). The library will associate frameId from Frame object with internal ID which will be used for STOP-FRAME function or time delay compensation (see Stop-frame function). User must provide changeable frameId in Frame object - each new frame must have frameId + 1 from previous. Without it STOP-FRAME function or time delay compensation will not work properly. |
Returns: TRUE is the video frame was processed FALSE if not. If video tracker not in tracking mode the method should return TRUE.
getImage method
The getImage(…) method designed to obtain images of internal matrixes. Method declaration:
void getImage(int type, cr::video::Frame& image) override;
Parameter | Description |
type | The type of image to be obtained. The following are available to the user: 0 - reference image of an object. 1 - object mask image. 2 - image of the distribution surface of the probability of object detection. |
frame | Output frame (see Frame class description). Pixel format depends should be GRAY, size of image must be 256x256 pixels. |
decodeAndExecuteCommand method
The decodeAndExecuteCommand(…) method decodes and executes command on video tracker side. It is thread-safe method. This means that the decodeAndExecuteCommand(…) method can be safely called from any thread. The methods only decodes commands encoded by encodeSetParamCommand(…) or encodeCommand(…) methods of VTracker interface class. Method declaration:
bool decodeAndExecuteCommand(uint8_t* data, int size) override;
Parameter | Description |
data | Pointer to input command. |
size | Size of command. Must be 11 bytes for SET_PARAM (change parameter command) or 19 bytes for COMMAND (action command). |
Returns: TRUE if command decoded (SET_PARAM or COMMAND) and executed (action command or set param command).
encodeSetParamCommand method of VTracker class
The encodeSetParamCommand(…) static method designed to encode command to change any parameter for remote video tracker. To control video tracker remotely, the developer has to design his own protocol and according to it encode the command and deliver it over the communication channel. To simplify this, the VTracker class contains static methods for encoding the control command. The VTracker class provides two types of commands: a parameter change command (SET_PARAM) and an action command (COMMAND). encodeSetParamCommand(…) designed to encode SET_PARAM command. Method declaration:
static void encodeSetParamCommand(uint8_t* data, int& size, VTrackerParam id, float value);
Parameter | Description |
data | Pointer to data buffer for encoded command. Must have size >= 11. |
size | Size of encoded data. Will be 11 bytes. |
id | Parameter ID according to VTrackerParam enum. |
value | Parameter value. Value depends on parameter ID (see VTrackerParam enum description). |
encodeSetParamCommand(…) is static and used without VTracker class instance. This method used on client side (control system). Command encoding example:
outValue = (float)(rand() % 20);
data, size, VTrackerParam::MULTIPLE_THREADS, outValue);
encodeCommand method of VTracker class
The encodeCommand(…) static method designed to encode command for remote video tracker. To control video tracker remotely, the developer has to design his own protocol and according to it encode the command and deliver it over the communication channel. To simplify this, the VTracker class contains static methods for encoding the control command. The VTracker class provides two types of commands: a parameter change command (SET_PARAM) and an action command (COMMAND). encodeCommand(…) designed to encode COMMAND (action command). Method declaration:
static void encodeCommand(uint8_t* data, int& size, VTrackerCommand id, float arg1 = 0, float arg2 = 0, float arg3 = 0);
Parameter | Description |
data | Pointer to data buffer for encoded command. Must have size >= 19. |
size | Size of encoded data. Will be 19 bytes. |
id | Command ID according to VTrackerCommand enum. |
arg1 | First argument. Value depends on command ID (see VTrackerCommand enum description). |
arg2 | Second argument. Value depends on command ID (see VTrackerCommand enum description). |
arg3 | Third argument. Value depends on command ID (see VTrackerCommand enum description). |
encodeCommand(…) is static and used without VTracker class instance. This method used on client side (control system). Command encoding example:
uint8_t data[1024];
int size = 0;
float outValue = (float)(rand() % 20);
float arg1 = (float)(rand() % 20);
float arg2 = (float)(rand() % 20);
float arg3 = (float)(rand() % 20);
VTracker::encodeCommand(data, size, VTrackerCommand::CAPTURE, arg1, arg2, arg3);
decodeCommand method of VTracker class
The decodeCommand(…) static method designed to decode command on video tracker side (edge device) which encoded by encodeSetParamCommand(…) or encodeCommand(…) methods. Method declaration:
static int decodeCommand(uint8_t* data, int size, VTrackerParam& paramId, VTrackerCommand& commandId, float& value1, float& value2, float& value3);
Parameter | Description |
data | Pointer to input command. |
size | Size of command. Should be 11 bytes for SET_PARAM or 19 bytes for COMMAND. |
paramId | Parameter ID according to VTrackerParam enum. After decoding SET_PARAM command the method will return parameter ID. |
commandId | Command ID according to VTrackerCommand enum. After decoding COMMAND the method will return command ID. |
value1 | Parameter value or first command argument 1. After decoding SET_PARAM and COMMAND. |
value2 | Parameter value or second command argument 1. After decoding COMMAND. |
value3 | Parameter value or third command argument 1. After decoding COMMAND. |
Returns: 0 - in case decoding COMMAND, 1 - in case decoding SET_PARAM command or -1 in case errors.
decodeCommand(…) is static and used without VTracker class instance. Command decoding example:
// Encode command.
uint8_t data[1024];
int size = 0;
float outValue = (float)(rand() % 20);
float arg1 = (float)(rand() % 20);
float arg2 = (float)(rand() % 20);
float arg3 = (float)(rand() % 20);
VTracker::encodeCommand(data, size, VTrackerCommand::CAPTURE, arg1, arg2, arg3);
// Decode command.
VTrackerCommand commandId;
VTrackerParam paramId;
float inArg1 = (float)(rand() % 20);
float inArg2 = (float)(rand() % 20);
float inArg3 = (float)(rand() % 20);
if (VTracker::decodeCommand(data, size, paramId, commandId, inArg1, inArg2, inArg3) != 0)
cout << "Command not decoded" << endl;
return false;
Data structures
VTrackerCommand enum
VTrackerCommand enum describes commands supported by VTracker interface class. VTrackerCommand enum declared in VTracker.h file. Enum declaration:
enum class VTrackerCommand
/// Object capture. Arguments:
/// arg1 - Capture rectangle center X coordinate. -1 - default coordinate.
/// arg2 - Capture rectangle center Y coordinate. -1 - default coordinate.
/// arg3 - frame ID. -1 - Capture on last frame.
/// Object capture command. Arguments:
/// arg1 - Capture rectangle center X coordinate, percents of frame width.
/// arg2 - Capture rectangle center Y coordinate, percents of frame width.
/// Reset command. No arguments.
/// Set INERTIAL mode. No arguments.
/// Set LOST mode. No arguments.
/// Set STATIC mode. No arguments.
/// Adjust tracking rectangle size automatically once. No arguments.
/// Adjust tracking rectangle position automatically once. No arguments.
/// Move tracking rectangle (change position). Arguments:
/// arg1 - add to X coordinate, pixels. 0 - no change.
/// arg2 - add to Y coordinate, pixels. 0 - no change.
/// Set tracking rectangle position in FREE mode. Arguments:
/// arg1 - Rectangle center X coordinate.
/// arg2 - Rectangle center Y coordinate.
/// Set tracking rectangle position in FREE mode in percents of frame size.
/// Arguments:
/// arg1 - Rectangle center X coordinate, percents of frame width.
/// arg2 - Rectangle center X coordinate, percents of frame height.
/// Move search window (change position). Arguments:
/// arg1 - add to X coordinate, pixels. 0 - no change.
/// arg2 - add to Y coordinate, pixels. 0 - no change.
/// Set search window position. Arguments:
/// arg1 - Search window center X coordinate.
/// arg2 - Search window center Y coordinate.
/// Set search window position in percents of frame size. Arguments:
/// arg1 - Search window center X coordinate, percents of frame width.
/// arg2 - Search window center X coordinate, percents of frame height.
/// Change tracking rectangle size. Arguments:
/// arg1 - horizontal size add, pixels.
/// arg2 - vertical size add, pixels.
Table 5 - Video tracker commands description and description of necessary arguments for executeCommand(…) and encodeCommand(…) methods described.
Command | Description |
CAPTURE | Object capture. Arguments: arg1 - Capture rectangle center X coordinate. -1 - default coordinate, arg2 - Capture rectangle center Y coordinate. -1 - default coordinate, arg3 - frame ID. -1 - Capture on last frame. |
CAPTURE_PERCENTS | Object capture command. Arguments: arg1 - Capture rectangle center X coordinate, percents of frame width, arg2 - Capture rectangle center Y coordinate, percents of frame width. |
RESET | Reset command. No arguments. |
SET_INERTIAL_MODE | Set INERTIAL mode. No arguments. |
SET_LOST_MODE | Set LOST mode. No arguments. |
SET_STATIC_MODE | Set STATIC mode. No arguments. |
ADJUST_RECT_SIZE | Adjust tracking rectangle size automatically once. No arguments. |
ADJUST_RECT_POSITION | Adjust tracking rectangle position automatically once. No arguments. |
MOVE_RECT | Move tracking rectangle (change position). Arguments: arg1 - add to X coordinate, pixels. 0 - no change, arg2 - add to Y coordinate, pixels. 0 - no change. |
SET_RECT_POSITION | Set tracking rectangle position in FREE mode. Arguments: arg1 - Rectangle center X coordinate, arg2 - Rectangle center Y coordinate. |
SET_RECT_POSITION_PERCENTS | Set tracking rectangle position in FREE mode in percent of frame size. Arguments: arg1 - Rectangle center X coordinate, percent of frame width, arg2 - Rectangle center X coordinate, percent of frame height. |
MOVE_SEARCH_WINDOW | Move search window (change position). Arguments: arg1 - add to X coordinate, pixels. 0 - no change, arg2 - add to Y coordinate, pixels. 0 - no change. |
SET_SEARCH_WINDOW_POSITION | Set search window position. Arguments: arg1 - Search window center X coordinate, arg2 - Search window center Y coordinate. |
SET_SEARCH_WINDOW_POSITION_PERCENTS | Set search window position in percent of frame size. Arguments: arg1 - Search window center X coordinate, percent of frame width, arg2 - Search window center X coordinate, percent of frame height. |
CHANGE_RECT_SIZE | Change tracking rectangle size. Arguments: arg1 - horizontal size add, pixels, arg2 - vertical size add, pixels. |
VTrackerParam enum
VTrackerParam enum describes parameters supported by VTracker interface. VTrackerParam enum declared in VTracker.h file. Enum declaration:
enum class VTrackerParam
/// Width of search window, pixels. Set by user.
/// Height of search window, pixels. Set by user.
/// Tracking rectangle width, pixels. Set by user or can be changed by
/// tracking algorithm if rectAutoSize == true.
/// Tracking rectangle height, pixels. Set by user or can be changed by
/// tracking algorithm if rectAutoSize == true.
/// Option for LOST mode. Parameter that defines the behavior of the
/// tracking algorithm in LOST mode. Default is 0. Possible values:
/// 0. In LOST mode, the coordinates of the center of the tracking
/// rectangle are not updated and remain the same as before entering
/// LOST mode.
/// 1. The coordinates of the center of the tracking rectangle are updated
/// based on the components of the object’s speed calculated before
/// going into LOST mode. If the tracking rectangle “touches” the edge
/// of the video frame, the coordinate updating for this component
/// (horizontal or vertical) will stop.
/// 2. The coordinates of the center of the tracking rectangle are
/// updated based on the components of the object’s speed calculated
/// before going into LOST mode. The tracking is reset if the center of
/// the tracking rectangle touches any of the edges of the video frame.
/// Size of frame buffer (number of frames to store). Set by user.
/// Maximum number of frames in LOST mode to auto reset of algorithm. Set
/// by user.
/// Use tracking rectangle auto size flag: 0 - no use, 1 - use. Set by user.
/// Use tracking rectangle auto position: 0 - no use, 1 - use. Set by user.
/// Use multiple threads for calculations. 0 - one thread, 1 - multiple. Set
/// by user.
/// Number of channels for processing. E.g., number of color channels. Set
/// by user.
/// FFT operation type. 0 - CPU, 1 - GPU (CUDA). Set by user.
/// Custom parameter. Depends on implementation.
/// Custom parameter. Depends on implementation.
/// Custom parameter. Depends on implementation.
Table 6 - Video tracker params description. Some params maybe unsupported by particular video tracker.
Parameter | Access | Description |
SEARCH_WINDOW_WIDTH | read / write | Width of search window, pixels. Set by user. Must have values 128 or 256. |
SEARCH_WINDOW_HEIGHT | read / write | Height of search window, pixels. Set by user. Must have values 128 or 256. |
RECT_WIDTH | read / write | Tracking rectangle width, pixels. Set by user or can be changed by tracking algorithm if RECT_AUTO_SIZE == 1. |
RECT_HEIGHT | read / write | Tracking rectangle height, pixels. Set by user or can be changed by tracking algorithm if RECT_AUTO_SIZE == 1. |
LOST_MODE_OPTION | read / write | Option for LOST mode. Parameter that defines the behavior of the tracking algorithm in LOST mode. Default is 0. Possible values: 0. In LOST mode, the coordinates of the center of the tracking rectangle are not updated and remain the same as before entering LOST mode. 1. The coordinates of the center of the tracking rectangle are updated based on the components of the object’s speed calculated before going into LOST mode. If the tracking rectangle “touches” the edge of the video frame, the coordinate updating for this component (horizontal or vertical) will stop. 2. The coordinates of the center of the tracking rectangle are updated based on the components of the object’s speed calculated before going into LOST mode. The tracking is reset if the center of the tracking rectangle touches any of the edges of the video frame. |
FRAME_BUFFER_SIZE | read / write | Size of frame buffer (number of frames to store). Set by user. By default 1. Minimum value is 1 and maximum is 512. When frame buffer size is 1 the library doesn’t copy data to frame buffer. It reduces CPU load on low-power platforms. |
MAX_FRAMES_IN_LOST_MODE | read / write | Maximum number of frames in LOST mode to auto reset of algorithm. Set by user. |
RECT_AUTO_SIZE | read / write | Use tracking rectangle auto size flag: 0 - no use, 1 - use. Set by user. |
RECT_AUTO_POSITION | read / write | Use tracking rectangle auto position: 0 - no use, 1 - use. Set by user. |
MULTIPLE_THREADS | read / write | Use multiple threads for calculations. 0 - one thread, 1 - multiple. Set by user. |
NUM_CHANNELS | read / write | Number of channels for processing. E.g., number of color channels. Set by user. |
TYPE | read / write | Type parameter defines the gpu computing support for fft operation. Supported types : 0 - CPU , 1 - GPU (CUDA). If compiled hardware does not support CUDA, this option will be ignored automatically. NOTE: must be set in advance before processing first frame. |
CUSTOM_1 | read / write | Filtered similarity criteria threshold coefficient for object loss detection. See Object loss detection section. Default value is 0.5. The higher the value, the more sensitive the algorithm is to object loss detection. |
CUSTOM_2 | read / write | PSR threshold coefficient for object loss detection. See Object loss detection section. Default value is 0.5. The higher the value, the more sensitive the algorithm is to object loss detection. |
CUSTOM_3 | read / write | PSR threshold for object loss detection. See Object loss detection section. Default value is 2.5. The higher the value, the more sensitive the algorithm is to object loss detection. |
VTrackerParams class description
VTrackerParams class declaration
VTrackerParams class used for video tracker initialization (initVTracker(…) method) or to get all actual params and tracking results (getParams() method). Also VTrackerParams provide structure to write/read params from JSON files (JSON_READABLE macro, see ConfigReader class description) and provides methods to encode and decode params. Class declaration:
class VTrackerParams
/// Tracker mode index: 0 - FREE, 1 - TRACKING, 2 - INERTIAL, 3 - STATIC.
/// Set by video tracker according to processing results or after command
/// execution.
int mode{0};
/// Tracking rectangle horizontal center position. Calculated by tracking
/// algorithm.
int rectX{0};
/// Tracking rectangle vertical center position. Calculated by tracking
/// algorithm.
int rectY{0};
/// Tracking rectangle width, pixels. Set by user or can be changed by
/// tracking algorithm if rectAutoSize == true.
int rectWidth{72};
/// Tracking rectangle height, pixels. Set by user or can be changed by
/// tracking algorithm if rectAutoSize == true.
int rectHeight{72};
/// Estimated horizontal position of object center, pixels. Calculated by
/// video tracker.
int objectX{0};
/// Estimated vertical position of object center, pixels.Calculated by
/// video tracker.
int objectY{0};
/// Estimated object width, pixels. Calculated by video tracker.
int objectWidth{72};
/// Estimated object height, pixels. Calculated by video tracker.
int objectHeight{72};
/// Frame counter in LOST mode. After switching in LOST mode the video
/// tracker start counting from 0. After switching to another mode from
/// LOST mode the video tracker will reset this counter.
int lostModeFrameCounter{0};
/// Counter for processed frames after capture object. After reset tracking
/// the video tracker will reset counter.
int frameCounter{0};
/// Width of processed video frame. Set by video tracker after processing
/// first video frame.
int frameWidth{0};
/// Height of processed video frame. Set by video tracker after processing
/// first video frame.
int frameHeight{0};
/// Width of search window, pixels. Set by user.
int searchWindowWidth{256};
/// Height of search window, pixels. Set by user.
int searchWindowHeight{256};
/// Horizontal position of search window center. This position will be used
/// for next video frame. Usually it coincides with data tracking rectangle
/// center but can be set by user to move search window for new video frame.
int searchWindowX{0};
/// Vertical position of search window center. This position will be used
/// for next video frame. Usually it coincides with data tracking rectangle
/// center but can be set by user to move search window for new video frame.
int searchWindowY{0};
/// Option for LOST mode. Parameter that defines the behavior of the
/// tracking algorithm in LOST mode. Default is 0. Possible values:
/// 0. In LOST mode, the coordinates of the center of the tracking
/// rectangle are not updated and remain the same as before entering
/// LOST mode.
/// 1. The coordinates of the center of the tracking rectangle are updated
/// based on the components of the object’s speed calculated before
/// going into LOST mode. If the tracking rectangle “touches” the edge
/// of the video frame, the coordinate updating for this component
/// (horizontal or vertical) will stop.
/// 2. The coordinates of the center of the tracking rectangle are
/// updated based on the components of the object’s speed calculated
/// before going into LOST mode. The tracking is reset if the center of
/// the tracking rectangle touches any of the edges of the video frame.
int lostModeOption{0};
/// Size of frame buffer (number of frames to store). Set by user.
int frameBufferSize{128};
/// Maximum number of frames in LOST mode to auto reset of algorithm. Set
/// by user.
int maxFramesInLostMode{128};
/// ID of last processed frame in frame buffer. Set by video tracker.
int processedFrameId{0};
/// ID of last added frame to frame buffer. Set by video tracker.
int frameId{0};
/// Horizontal velocity of object on video frames (pixel/frame). Calculated
/// by video tracker.
float velX{0.0f};
/// Vertical velocity of object on video frames (pixel/frame). Calculated
/// by video tracker.
float velY{0.0f};
/// Estimated probability of object detection. Calculated by video tracker.
float detectionProbability{0.0f};
/// Use tracking rectangle auto size flag: false - no use, true - use. Set
/// by user.
bool rectAutoSize{false};
/// Use tracking rectangle auto position: false - no use, true - use. Set
/// by user.
bool rectAutoPosition{false};
/// Use multiple threads for calculations. Set by user.
bool multipleThreads{false};
/// Number of channels for processing. E.g., number of color channels. Set
/// by user.
int numChannels{3};
/// Tracker type. Depends on implementation. Set by user.
int type{0};
/// Processing time for last frame, mks. Calculated by video tracker.
int processingTimeMks{0};
/// Custom parameter. Depends on implementation.
float custom1{0.0f};
/// Custom parameter. Depends on implementation.
float custom2{0.0f};
/// Custom parameter. Depends on implementation.
float custom3{0.0f};
JSON_READABLE(VTrackerParams, rectWidth, rectHeight, searchWindowWidth,
searchWindowHeight, lostModeOption, frameBufferSize,
maxFramesInLostMode, rectAutoSize, rectAutoPosition,
multipleThreads, numChannels, type, custom1, custom2, custom3);
/// operator =
VTrackerParams& operator= (const VTrackerParams& src);
/// Encode params.
bool encode(uint8_t* data, int bufferSize,
int& size, VTrackerParamsMask* mask = nullptr);
/// Decode params.
bool decode(uint8_t* data, int dataSize);
Table 7 - VTrackerParams class fields description.
Field | Type | Description |
mode | int | Tracker mode index: 0 - FREE. 1 - TRACKING. 2 - INERTIAL. 3 - STATIC. Set by video tracker according to processing results or after command execution. |
rectX | int | Tracking rectangle horizontal center position, pixels. Calculated by tracking algorithm. |
rectY | int | Tracking rectangle vertical center position, pixels. Calculated by tracking algorithm. |
rectWidth | int | Tracking rectangle width, pixels. Set by user or can be changed by tracking algorithm if rectAutoSize == true. |
rectHeight | int | Tracking rectangle height, pixels. Set by user or can be changed by tracking algorithm if rectAutoSize == true. |
objectX | int | Estimated horizontal position of object center, pixels. Calculated by video tracker. |
objectY | int | Estimated vertical position of object center, pixels. Calculated by video tracker. |
objectWidth | int | Estimated object width, pixels. Calculated by video tracker. |
objectHeight | int | Estimated object height, pixels. Calculated by video tracker. |
lostModeFrameCounter | int | Frame counter in LOST mode. After switching in LOST mode the video tracker start counting from 0. After switching to another mode from LOST mode the video tracker will reset this counter. |
frameCounter | int | Counter for processed frames after capture object. After reset tracking the video tracker will reset counter. |
frameWidth | int | Width of processed video frame. Set by video tracker after processing first video frame. |
frameHeight | int | Height of processed video frame. Set by video tracker after processing first video frame. |
searchWindowWidth | int | Width of search window, pixels. Set by user. Must have values 128 or 256. |
searchWindowHeight | int | Height of search window, pixels. Set by user. Must have values 128 or 256. |
searchWindowX | int | Horizontal position of search window center. This position will be used for next video frame. Usually it coincides with data tracking rectangle center but can be set by user to move search window for new video frame. |
searchWindowY | int | Vertical position of search window center. This position will be used for next video frame. Usually it coincides with data tracking rectangle center but can be set by user to move search window for new video frame. |
lostModeOption | int | Option for LOST mode. Parameter that defines the behavior of the tracking algorithm in LOST mode. Default is 0. Possible values: 0. In LOST mode, the coordinates of the center of the tracking rectangle are not updated and remain the same as before entering LOST mode. 1. The coordinates of the center of the tracking rectangle are updated based on the components of the object’s speed calculated before going into LOST mode. If the tracking rectangle “touches” the edge of the video frame, the coordinate updating for this component (horizontal or vertical) will stop. 2. The coordinates of the center of the tracking rectangle are updated based on the components of the object’s speed calculated before going into LOST mode. The tracking is reset if the center of the tracking rectangle touches any of the edges of the video frame. |
frameBufferSize | int | Size of frame buffer (number of frames to store). Set by user. By default 1. Minimum value is 1 and maximum is 512. When frame buffer size is 1 the library doesn’t copy data to frame buffer. It reduces CPU load on low-power platforms. |
maxFramesInLostMode | int | Maximum number of frames in LOST mode to auto reset of algorithm. Set by user. |
processedFrameId | int | ID of last processed frame in frame buffer. Set by video tracker. |
frameId | int | ID of last added frame to frame buffer. Set by video tracker and has the same value as input frameId from Frame object. |
velX | float | Horizontal velocity of object on video frames (pixel/frame). Calculated by video tracker. |
velY | float | Vertical velocity of object on video frames (pixel/frame). Calculated by video tracker. |
detectionProbability | float | Estimated probability of object detection. Calculated by video tracker. |
rectAutoSize | bool | Use tracking rectangle auto size flag: false - no use, true - use. Set by user. |
rectAutoPosition | bool | Use tracking rectangle auto position: false - no use, true - use. Set by user. |
multipleThreads | bool | Use multiple threads for calculations. Set by user. |
numChannels | int | Number of channels for processing. E.g., number of color channels. Set by user. |
type | int | Type of fft computation hardware. 0 - CPU, 1 - GPU (CUDA). If compiled hardware does not support CUDA, this option will be ignored automatically. NOTE: must be set in advance before processing first frame. |
processingTimeMks | int | Processing time for last frame, mks. Calculated by video tracker. |
custom1 | float | Filtered similarity criteria threshold coefficient for object loss detection. See Object loss detection section. Default value is 0.5. The higher the value, the more sensitive the algorithm is to object loss detection. |
custom2 | float | PSR threshold coefficient for object loss detection. See Object loss detection section. Default value is 0.5. The higher the value, the more sensitive the algorithm is to object loss detection. |
custom3 | float | PSR threshold for object loss detection. See Object loss detection section. Default value is 2.5. The higher the value, the more sensitive the algorithm is to object loss detection. |
Serialize video tracker params
VTrackerParams class provides method encode(…) to serialize video tracker params (fields of VTrackerParams class, see Table 5). Serialization of params necessary in case when you need to send params via communication channels. Method provides options to exclude particular parameters from serialization. To do this method inserts binary mask (5 bytes) where each bit represents particular parameter and decode(…) method recognizes it. Method doesn’t encode initString. Method declaration:
bool encode(uint8_t* data, int bufferSize, int& size, VTrackerParamsMask* mask = nullptr);
Parameter | Value |
data | Pointer to data buffer. Buffer size should be at least 135 bytes. |
bufferSize | Data buffer size. Buffer size should be at least 135 bytes. |
size | Size of encoded data. |
mask | Parameters mask - pointer to VrackerParamsMask structure. VTrackerParamsMask (declared in VTracker.h file) determines flags for each field (parameter) declared in VTrackerParams class. If the user wants to exclude any parameters from serialization, he can put a pointer to the mask. If the user wants to exclude a particular parameter from serialization, he should set the corresponding flag in the VTrackerParamsMask structure. |
VTrackerParamsMask structure declaration:
typedef struct VTrackerParamsMask
bool mode{true};
bool rectX{true};
bool rectY{true};
bool rectWidth{true};
bool rectHeight{true};
bool objectX{true};
bool objectY{true};
bool objectWidth{true};
bool objectHeight{true};
bool lostModeFrameCounter{true};
bool frameCounter{true};
bool frameWidth{true};
bool frameHeight{true};
bool searchWindowWidth{true};
bool searchWindowHeight{true};
bool searchWindowX{true};
bool searchWindowY{true};
bool lostModeOption{true};
bool frameBufferSize{true};
bool maxFramesInLostMode{true};
bool processedFrameId{true};
bool frameId{true};
bool velX{true};
bool velY{true};
bool detectionProbability{true};
bool rectAutoSize{true};
bool rectAutoPosition{true};
bool multipleThreads{true};
bool numChannels{true};
bool type{true};
bool processingTimeMks{true};
bool custom1{true};
bool custom2{true};
bool custom3{true};
} VTrackerParamsMask;
Example without parameters mask:
// Prepare random params.
VTrackerParams in;
in.mode = rand() % 255;
in.rectX = rand() % 255;
in.rectY = rand() % 255;
// Encode data.
uint8_t data[1024];
int size = 0;
in.encode(data, 1024, size);
cout << "Encoded data size: " << size << " bytes" << endl;
Example with parameters mask:
// Prepare random params.
VTrackerParams in;
in.mode = rand() % 255;
in.rectX = rand() % 255;
in.rectY = rand() % 255;
// Prepare mask.
VTrackerParamsMask mask;
mask.mode = true;
mask.rectX = false;
mask.rectY = true;
// Encode data.
uint8_t data[1024];
int size = 0;
in.encode(data, 1024, size, &mask);
cout << "Encoded data size: " << size << " bytes" << endl;
Deserialize video tracker params
VTrackerParams class provides method decode(…) to deserialize params (fields of VTrackerParams class, see Table 5). Deserialization of params necessary in case when you need to receive params via communication channels. Method automatically recognizes which parameters were serialized by encode(…) method. Method declaration:
bool decode(uint8_t* data, int dataSize);
Parameter | Value |
data | Pointer to encode data buffer. |
Returns: TRUE if data decoded (deserialized) or FALSE if not.
// Prepare random params.
VTrackerParams in;
in.mode = rand() % 255;
in.rectX = rand() % 255;
in.rectY = rand() % 255;
// Encode data.
uint8_t data[1024];
int size = 0;
in.encode(data, 1024, size);
cout << "Encoded data size: " << size << " bytes" << endl;
// Decode data.
VTrackerParams out;
if (!out.decode(data, size))
cout << "Can't decode data" << endl;
return false;
Read params from JSON file and write to JSON file
VTracker library depends on ConfigReader library which provides method to read params from JSON file and to write params to JSON file. Example of writing and reading params to JSON file:
// Prepare random params.
VTrackerParams in;
in.mode = rand() % 255;
in.rectX = rand() % 255;
in.rectY = rand() % 255;
// Write params to file.
cr::utils::ConfigReader inConfig;
inConfig.set(in, "VTrackerParams");
// Read params from file.
cr::utils::ConfigReader outConfig;
cout << "Can't open config file" << endl;
return false;
// Obtain params from config reader.
VTrackerParams out;
if(!outConfig.get(out, "VTrackerParams"))
cout << "Can't read params from file" << endl;
return false;
VTrackerParams.json will look like:
"VTrackerParams": {
"custom1": 155.0,
"custom2": 239.0,
"custom3": 79.0,
"frameBufferSize": 130,
"lostModeOption": 65,
"maxFramesInLostMode": 111,
"multipleThreads": true,
"numChannels": 47,
"rectAutoPosition": true,
"rectAutoSize": true,
"rectHeight": 18,
"rectWidth": 2,
"searchWindowHeight": 19,
"searchWindowWidth": 195,
"type": 213
Build and connect to your project
Demo application and example depends on OpenCV if you don’t want build example and demo application open main CMakeLists.txt and changes macro:
By default example and demo application are enabled for compiling. To compile library with example and demo application you have to install OpenCV. Installation commands for Linux (Ubuntu):
sudo apt-get install build-essential libopencv-dev cmake
If you want compile library with CUDA support (for FFT operations) you have to enable this option in main CMakeLists.txt:
If CUDA enabled the library will try to find CUDA toolkit in the OS and will connect to project. Typical commands to build CvTracker library:
cd CvTracker
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
If you want connect CvTracker library to your CMake project as source code you can make follow. For example, if your repository has structure:
Create folder 3rdparty in your repository and copy CvTracker repository folder in 3rdparty folder. New structure of your repository:
Create CMakeLists.txt file in 3rdparty folder. CMakeLists.txt should contain:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.13)
## dependencies for the project
project(3rdparty LANGUAGES CXX)
## basic 3rd-party settings before use
# To inherit the top-level architecture when the project is used as a submodule.
# Disable self-overwriting of parameters inside included subdirectories.
## 3rd-party submodules configuration
## Adding subdirectories according to the 3rd-party configuration
File 3rdparty/CMakeLists.txt adds folder CvTracker to your project and excludes test applications from compiling (by default test applications and example excluded from compiling if CvTracker included as sub-repository). Your repository new structure will be:
Next you need include folder 3rdparty in main CMakeLists.txt file of your repository. Add string at the end of your main CMakeLists.txt:
Next you have to include CvTracker library in your src/CMakeLists.txt file:
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} CvTracker)
If you want connect compiled library to your CMake project you have to add following to your CMake file (Example for Linux).
find_package(OpenCV REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} ${OpenCV_LIBS})
find_package(OpenMP REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} ${OpenMP_CXX_LIBRARIES})
target_include_directories(${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE <path to CvTracker.h header file folder>)
add_library(CvTracker STATIC IMPORTED)
set_target_properties(CvTracker PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LOCATION <path to libCvTracker.a library file folder>/libCvTracker.a)
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} CvTracker)
and if you have CUDA support, you should add following to your CMakeLists.txt file:
# if CUDA enabled.
find_package(CUDA REQUIRED)
if (NOT CUDAToolkit_FOUND)
find_package(CUDAToolkit REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} CUDA::cublas CUDA::cufft CUDA::cudart)
set_target_properties(${PROJECT_NAME} PROPERTIES
Simple example
Simple example shows how to build basic application with user interface (based on OpenCV). Simple application opens video source (it can be video file, video stream or camera) and provides basic functions to control tracker (capture, reset, changing parameters). Source code:
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include "CvTracker.h"
// Link namespaces.
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
using namespace cr::video;
using namespace cr::vtracker;
/// Video tracker object.
CvTracker g_tracker;
/// Frame width.
int g_frameWidth = 0;
/// Frame height.
int g_frameHeight = 0;
// Prototype of mouse callback function.
void MouseCallBackFunc(int event, int x, int y, int flags, void* userdata);
// Entry point.
int main(void)
cout << "======================================================" << endl;
cout << "Simpe Demo Application v" << CvTracker::getVersion() << endl;
cout << "======================================================" << endl;
// Set video source.
string initString = "0";
cout << "Enter video source init string "
<< "(camera num, rtsp string, video file): ";
cin >> initString;
cout << initString << endl;
// Open video source.
VideoCapture videoSource;
if (initString.size() < 4)
// Open camera.
if (!
cout << "ERROR: Camera not open" << endl;
return -1;
// Open video source.
if (!
cout << "ERROR: Video source not open" << endl;
return -1;
// Init variables.
Mat frame;
VTrackerParams trackerData;
// Set initial tracking rectangle size.
g_tracker.setParam(VTrackerParam::RECT_WIDTH, 72);
g_tracker.setParam(VTrackerParam::RECT_HEIGHT, 72);
g_tracker.setParam(VTrackerParam::LOST_MODE_OPTION, 0);
g_tracker.setParam(VTrackerParam::NUM_CHANNELS, 3);
g_tracker.setParam(VTrackerParam::MULTIPLE_THREADS, 1);
// Init OpenCV window.
namedWindow("Simple demo application", WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
// Set mouse callback.
setMouseCallback("Simple demo application", MouseCallBackFunc, nullptr);
// Main loop.
while (true)
// Capture next video frame.
videoSource >> frame;
if (frame.empty())
// If we have video file we can set initial position to replay.
videoSource.set(CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, 0);
// Update frame size.
g_frameWidth = frame.size().width;
g_frameHeight = frame.size().height;
// Create frame object.
Frame trackerFrame(g_frameWidth, g_frameHeight, Fourcc::YUV24);
Mat yuvFrame(g_frameHeight, g_frameWidth, CV_8UC3,;
// Convert to YUV format.
cvtColor(frame, yuvFrame, COLOR_BGR2YUV);
// Process video frame.
// Get current tracker data.
// Choose tracking rectangle color according to tracker mode.
Scalar rectColor;
switch (trackerData.mode) {
case 0: rectColor = Scalar(255, 255, 255); break;
case 1: rectColor = Scalar(0, 0, 255); break;
case 2: rectColor = Scalar(255, 0, 0); break;
default: rectColor = Scalar(255, 255, 255); break; }
// Draw tracking rectangle.
Rect rect(trackerData.rectX - trackerData.rectWidth / 2,
trackerData.rectY - trackerData.rectHeight / 2,
trackerData.rectWidth, trackerData.rectHeight);
rectangle(frame, rect, rectColor, 2);
// Show video with tracker result information.
imshow("Simple demo application", frame);
// Wait keyboard events.
switch (waitKey(25))
// ESC - Exit.
case 27:
return 1;
// W - Increase tracking rectangle height.
case 119:
g_tracker.executeCommand(VTrackerCommand::CHANGE_RECT_SIZE, 0, 8);
// S - Decrease tracking rectangle height.
case 115:
g_tracker.executeCommand(VTrackerCommand::CHANGE_RECT_SIZE, 0, -8);
// D - Increase tracking rectangle width.
case 100:
g_tracker.executeCommand(VTrackerCommand::CHANGE_RECT_SIZE, 8, 0);
// A - Decrease tracking rectangle width.
case 97:
g_tracker.executeCommand(VTrackerCommand::CHANGE_RECT_SIZE, -8, 0);
// T - Move strobe UP (change position in TRACKING mode).
case 116:
g_tracker.executeCommand(VTrackerCommand::MOVE_RECT, 0, 4);
// G - Move strobe DOWN (change position in TRACKING mode).
case 103:
g_tracker.executeCommand(VTrackerCommand::MOVE_RECT, 0, -4);
// H - Move strobe RIGHT (change position in TRACKING mode).
case 104:
g_tracker.executeCommand(VTrackerCommand::MOVE_RECT, -4, 0);
// F - Move strobe LEFT (change position in TRACKING mode).
case 102:
g_tracker.executeCommand(VTrackerCommand::MOVE_RECT, 4, 0);
// Mouse callback function.
void MouseCallBackFunc(int event, int x, int y, int flags, void* userdata)
// Set mouse position in any case.
g_tracker.executeCommand(VTrackerCommand::SET_RECT_POSITION, x, y);
switch (event)
/// Capture object.
g_tracker.executeCommand(VTrackerCommand::CAPTURE, x, y);
/// Reset tracker.
Demo application
Demo application overview
The demo application is intended to evaluate the performance of the CvTracker C++ library. The application allows you to evaluate the operation of the algorithm with different parameters. It is console application and serves as an example of using the CvTracker library. The application uses the OpenCV library for capturing video, recording video, displaying video, and forming a simple user interface. Demo application depends on libraries: FormatConverterOpenCv (provides functions to convert pixel formats, source code included) and SimpleFileDialog (provide functions to open files, source code included, Apache 2.0 license).
Launch and user interface
The demo application does not require installation. The demo application compiled for Windows OS x64 (Windows 10 and never) as well for Linux OS (few distros, to get demo application for specific Linux distro sent us request). Table 8 shows list of files of demo application.
Table 8 - List of files of demo application (example for Windows OS).
File | Description |
CvTrackerDemo.exe | Demo application executable file for windows OS. |
CvTrackerDemo.json | Demo application config file. |
opencv_world480.dll | OpenCV library file version 4.8.0 for Windows x64. |
opencv_videoio_msmf480_64.dll | OpenCV library file version 4.8.0 for Windows x64. |
opencv_videoio_ffmpeg480_64.dll | OpenCV library file version 4.8.0 for Windows x64. |
VC_redist.x64 | Installer of necessary system libraries for Windows x64 (use if required). |
src | Folder with application source code. |
To launch demo application run CvTrackerDemo.exe executable file on Windows x64 OS or run commands on Linux:
sudo chmod +x CvTrackerDemo
If a message about missing system libraries appears (on Windows OS) when launching the application, you must install the VC_redist.x64.exe program, which will install the system libraries required for operation. Config file CvTrackerDemo.json included video capture params (videoSource section) and video tracker params (videoTracker section). If the demo application does not find the file after startup, it will create it with default parameters. Config file content:
"Params": {
"videoSource": {
"source": "file dialog"
"videoTracker": {
"custom1": 0.5,
"custom2": 0.5,
"custom3": 2.5,
"frameBufferSize": 128,
"lostModeOption": 0,
"maxFramesInLostMode": 256,
"multipleThreads": false,
"numChannels": 3,
"rectAutoPosition": false,
"rectAutoSize": false,
"rectHeight": 72,
"rectWidth": 72,
"searchWindowHeight": 256,
"searchWindowWidth": 256,
"type": -1
Table 9 - Parameters description.
Parameter | Description |
source | Video source initialization string. If the parameter is set to “file dialog”, then after start the program will offer to select video file via file selection dialog. The parameter can contain a full file name (e.g. “test.mp4”) or an RTP (RTSP) stream string (format “rtsp://username:password@IP:PORT”). You can also specify the camera number in the system (e.g. “0” or “1” or other). When capturing video from a video file, the software plays the video with repetition i.e. when the end of the video file is reached, playback starts again. |
frameBufferSize | Size of frame buffer (number of frames to store). Determines possible duration of STOP-FRAME function. |
lostModeOption | Option for LOST mode. Parameter that defines the behavior of the tracking algorithm in LOST mode. Default is 0. Possible values: 0. In LOST mode, the coordinates of the center of the tracking rectangle are not updated and remain the same as before entering LOST mode. 1. The coordinates of the center of the tracking rectangle are updated based on the components of the object’s speed calculated before going into LOST mode. If the tracking rectangle “touches” the edge of the video frame, the coordinate updating for this component (horizontal or vertical) will stop. 2. The coordinates of the center of the tracking rectangle are updated based on the components of the object’s speed calculated before going into LOST mode. The tracking is reset if the center of the tracking rectangle touches any of the edges of the video frame. |
maxFramesInLostMode | Maximum number of frames in LOST mode to auto reset of algorithm. |
multipleThreads | Use multiple threads for calculations: false - no use, true - use. If true the algorithm will use separate thread for each color channel (if numChannels > 1). |
numChannels | Number of color channels for processing. Demo application uses YUV frame formats for processing. More number of channel - more processing time. It is recommended to use 1 channel for thermal video or 3 for daylight video. |
rectAutoPosition | Use tracking rectangle auto position: false - no use, true - use. Tracker will try adjust tracking rectangle position after object capture. Can be changed after start. |
rectAutoSize | Use tracking rectangle auto size flag: false - no use, true - use. Tracker will try adjust tracking rectangle size after object capture. Can be changed after start. |
rectHeight | Default tracking rectangle height, pixels. Set by user or can be changed by tracking algorithm if rectAutoSize == true. Can be changed after start. |
rectWidth | Default tracking rectangle width, pixels. Set by user or can be changed by tracking algorithm if rectAutoSize == true. Can be changed after start. |
searchWindowHeight | Width of search window, pixels. Recommended value is 256. Valid values 128 or 256. |
searchWindowWidth | Height of search window, pixels. Recommended value is 256. Valid values 128 or 256. |
custom1 | Filtered similarity criteria threshold coefficient for object loss detection. See Object loss detection section. Default value is 0.5. The higher the value, the more sensitive the algorithm is to object loss detection. |
custom2 | PSR threshold coefficient for object loss detection. See Object loss detection section. Default value is 0.5. The higher the value, the more sensitive the algorithm is to object loss detection. |
custom3 | PSR threshold for object loss detection. See Object loss detection section. Default value is 2.5. The higher the value, the more sensitive the algorithm is to object loss detection. |
After starting the application (running the executable file) the user should select the video file in the dialog box (if parameter “source” in config file set to “file dialog”). After that the user will see the user interface as shown bellow.
Table 10 - User interface elements description.
Element | Description |
1 | Main window which displays: source video in original resolution, tracking rectangle position, actual video tracker parameters and information about control buttons. |
2 | Pattern image of the object. According to this image video tracker performs object search on each video frame. |
3 | Object mask. After capture video tracker tries estimate real position of object inside tracking rectangle. The result of this estimation is object mask. |
4 | Correlation surface which is distribution of probability of object location on search window. Bright pixels - high probability, dark pixels - low probability. Based on correlation surface the video tracker calculates object position on video frames. |
5 | Tracking rectangle (red) and estimated object position inside tracking rectangle (object rectangle, white). |
6 | Information about current video tracker parameters and information about control buttons. |
To control the application, it is necessary that the main video display window was active (in focus), and also it is necessary that the English keyboard layout was activated without CapsLock mode. The program is controlled by the keyboard and mouse.
Table 10 - Control buttons.
Button | Description |
ESC | Exit the application. If video recording is active, it will be stopped. |
SPACE | Enter to STOP-FRAME mode. After capture STOP-FRAME mode will be reset. |
ENTER | Freeze video to capture object. After capture freeze mode will be reset. |
R | Start/stop video recording. When video recording is enabled, a files mix_[date and time].avi (result video) and dst_[date and time].avi (combined source and result video) are created in the directory with the application executable file. Recording is performed of what is displayed to the user. To stop the recording, press the R key again. During video recording, the application shows a warning message. |
W | Increase tracking rectangle height by 8 pixels. Can be changed in tracking mode. |
S | Decrease tracking rectangle height by 8 pixels. Can be changed in tracking mode. |
D | Increase tracking rectangle width by 8 pixels. Can be changed in tracking mode. |
A | Decrease tracking rectangle width by 8 pixels. Can be changed in tracking mode. |
T | Move the tracking rectangle UP by 4 pixels. |
G | Move the tracking rectangle DOWN by 4 pixels. |
F | Move the tracking rectangle LEFT by 4 pixels. |
H | Move the tracking rectangle RIGHT by 4 pixels. |
Q | Enable/disable tracking rectangle auto size. |
E | Enable/disable tracking rectangle auto position. |
Z | Adjust tracking rectangle size and position once. |
X | Move tracking rectangle to the center. |