
License C++ library


Table of contents


License C++ library offers a licensing feature for C++ applications. The library provides functions for generating a token (base on username and MAC address of the computer), creating a license based on it, and validating the license with control of its validity time. AES256 encryption method is implemented. To embed licensing in a C++ application, generate a token, then based on the token and the required number of days generate a license string (key). License checking in the application is performed by a single library function. The library doesn’t have any third-party dependencies and provide simple interface. It uses C++17 standard and compatible with Linux and Windows.


Table 1 - Library versions.

Version Release date What’s new
1.0.0 31.01.2022 First version.
1.1.0 28.09.2023 - Hardware dependency moved to MAC address from CPU ID.
- Documentation updated.
1.1.1 05.01.2024 - Code style issues fixed.
- Documentation updated.
- Only AES256 algorithm is used.
1.1.2 15.04.2024 - Documentation updated.
1.1.3 17.05.2024 - Documentation updated.
1.1.4 19.07.2024 - CMake updated.
- Repository structure updated.

Library files

The library is supplied by source code only. The user would be given a set of files in the form of a CMake project (repository). The repository structure is shown below:

CMakeLists.txt ----------- Main CMake file of the library.
src ---------------------- Folder with library source code.
    CMakeLists.txt ------- Library CMake file.
    License.cpp ---------- C++ implementation file.
    License.h ------------ License class header file.
    LicenseVersion.h ----- Header file with License class version. -- CMake service file to generate version header.
    aes ------------------ Folder with AES265 implementation.
        AES.cpp ---------- C++ implementation file.
        AES.h ------------ AES encryption header file.
examples ----------------- Folder with examples.
    CMakeLists.txt ------- CMake file for examples.
    CombinedTest --------- Folder with License library test.
        MakeLists.txt ---- Application CMake file.
        main.cpp --------- Application source code file.
    LicenseGenerator ----- Folder with license generator.
        MakeLists.txt ---- Application CMake file.
        main.cpp --------- Application source code file.
    LicenseTest ---------- Folder with license validator.
        MakeLists.txt ---- Application CMake file.
        main.cpp --------- Application source code file.
    TokenGenerator ------- Folder with token generator.
        MakeLists.txt ---- Application CMake file.
        main.cpp --------- Application source code file.

License class description

License class declaration

License interface class declared in License.h file. Class declaration:

namespace cr
namespace utils
/// License class.
class License

    /// Get License class version.
    static std::string getVersion();

    /// Create token based on hardware and user name.
    std::string getToken(std::string userName);

    /// Extract information from a token.
    bool getTokenInfo(std::string token, std::string &userName,
                      std::string &macAddress);

    /// Init a license.
    bool getLicense(std::string token, int days, std::string &license);

    /// Extract info from a license.
    bool getLicenseInfo(std::string license, std::string &userName,
                        std::string &macAddress, int &daysLeft);

    /// Check status of license.
    bool checkLicense(std::string license, std::string userName);

getVersion method

The getVersion() method returns string of current class version. Method declaration:

static std::string getVersion();

Method can be used without License class instance:

std::cout << "License class version: " << License::getVersion();

Console output:

License class version: 1.1.4

getToken method

The getToken(…) generates token string based on username and MAC address of the computer. Method declaration:

std::string getToken(std::string userName);
Parameter Value
userName User name to generate token.

Returns: token string.

getTokenInfo method

The getTokenInfo(…) method extracts username and MAC address from token string. Method declaration:

bool getTokenInfo(std::string token, std::string &userName, std::string &macAddress);
Parameter Value
token Token to get information from.
userName Output user name string.
macAddress Output MAC address.

Returns: TRUE if the information extracted or FALSE if not.

getLicense method

The getLicense(…) generates license from token string and number of days:

bool getLicense(std::string token, int days, std::string &license);
Parameter Value
token Token string in order to create a license.
days License validity period in days.
license Output license string.

Returns: TRUE if it success or FALSE if not.

getLicenseInfo method

The getLicenseInfo(…) extracts information (username, MAC address, days left) license string. Method declaration:

bool getLicenseInfo(std::string license, std::string &userName, std::string &macAddress, int &daysLeft);
Parameter Value
licence License to get information from.
userName Output username string.
macAddress Output MAC address.
daysLeft Remaining days of license.

Returns: TRUE if the information extracted or FALSE if not.

checkLicense method

The checkLicense(…) check license status (valid of not valid) based on license string and username. Method declaration:

bool checkLicense(std::string license, std::string userName);

Returns: TRUE if licence is valid and not expired or FALSE if not valid (invalid license string or expired).


To add licensing to your application, you need to implement the following logic. Suppose that you have sent a finished application to a user. The application on the user side should generate a token based on the username (the user must enter the username or the username can be pre-defined). Generating the token inside your application is done as follows:

std::string userName = "AnyUserName"; // Set by user.
cr::utils::License lic;
std::string token = lic.getToken(userName);

When the token is generated the user will send you the token string. Based on the token string and required number of days, you generate the license string. Generating the license string on your side is done as follows:

std::string license = ""; // Variable to store license string.
std::string token =
"0255D7EE2DFCFF806359D19B494283FF4329E8B65BC508C761151FC4DDDB7B4B"; // Example.
int days = 20; // License for 20 days, example.
if (!lic.getLicense(token, days, license))
    std::cout << "Invalid token for " <<
    userName << " !" << std::endl;
    return -1;

When the license string is generated you send it to the user who enters it in your application. This license can be saved in any application configuration file. The license validity check (correct license and number of license days) is done inside your application (username and license string are required) using the following code:

std::string license =
"EE8C15F833832FF0BD9EAEA2F5FF3B0C277585F342EE404EE8137A26CDC3FFCEB8778CC0DE3F3A045E1F7AC28E0AAC7A3CC3BD0C75C6D567B94F1F7D13CC1B201"; // Example.
std::string userName = "AnyUserName";
cr::utils::License lic;
if (!lic.checkLicense(license, userName))
    std::cout << "Invalid license for " <<
    userName << " !" << std::endl;
    return -1;
std::cout << "License valid!" << std::endl;

Build and connect to your project

Typical commands to build License library:

cd License
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

If you want connect License library to your CMake project as source code you can make follow. For example, if your repository has structure:


Create 3rdparty folder in your code repository and copy License repository to 3rdparty folder. New structure of your repository:


Create CMakeLists.txt file in 3rdparty folder. CMakeLists.txt should contain:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.13)

## dependencies for the project
project(3rdparty LANGUAGES CXX)

## basic 3rd-party settings before use
# To inherit the top-level architecture when the project is used as a submodule.
# Disable self-overwriting of parameters inside included subdirectories.

## 3rd-party submodules configuration
    SET(${PARENT}_LICENSE                               ON  CACHE BOOL "" FORCE)

## Adding subdirectories according to the 3rd-party configuration

File 3rdparty/CMakeLists.txt adds folder License to your project and excludes examples from compiling (by default examples excluded from compiling if License included as sub-repository). Your repository new structure will be:


Next you need include 3rdparty folder in main CMakeLists.txt file of your repository. Add string at the end of your main CMakeLists.txt:


Next you have to include License library in your src/CMakeLists.txt file:

target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} License)



This example illustrates the process of generating a token, creating a license, and verifying the license status.

#include <iostream>
#include "License.h"

int main(void)
    std::cout << "LicenseGenerator v" <<
    cr::utils::License::getVersion() << std::endl;

    // Set user name to generate license.
    std::string userName = "";
    std::cout << "Enter the UserName to generate license: ";
    std::cin >> userName;

    // Set license duration.
    int days = 0;
    std::cout << "Enter license duration [days]: ";
    std::cin >> days;

    // Create License object and generate token for license.
    cr::utils::License lic;
    std::string token = lic.getToken(userName);
    std::cout << "Token for " << userName << ": " <<
    token << std::endl;

    // Generate license.
    std::string license = "";
    if (!lic.getLicense(token, days, license))
        std::cout << "Invalid token for " <<
        userName << " !" << std::endl;
        return -1;

    // Check license.
    if (!lic.checkLicense(license, userName))
        std::cout << "Invalid license for " <<
        userName << " !" << std::endl;
        return -1;

    // Show license.
    std::cout << "License for " << userName <<
    "[" << days << " days]: " << license << std::endl;

    // Wait user input.
    return 1;