AFEngine C++ library
Table of contents
- Overview
- Versions
- Library files
- AFEngine class description
- Data structures
- Build and connect to your project
- Example
AFEngine C++ library provides auto focus function for different software lens controllers. AFEngine class doesn’t control lens directly. It just get lens state and gives what should lens controller doing for reaching optimal focus position. The library provides various auto focus features: push focus, continuous auto focus (after changing zoom), auto focus timeout, autofocus sensitivity trigger, auto focus ROI change and auto focus ROI detection. The library has a simple interface for embedding in different software lens controllers. To ensure autofocus operation, the user must transfer each new video frame to the library, as well as transfer the current zoom and focus positions. The library depends on Frame library (provides description of video frame class, source code included, Apache 2.0 license) and on Denoiser library (provides noise cancellation algorithm, source code included, Apache 2.0 license). The library uses C++17 standard.
Table 1 - Library versions.
Version | Release date | What’s new |
1.0.0 | 02.11.2023 | First version. |
1.1.0 | 25.04.2024 | - Code structure updated. - Documentation updated. |
1.1.1 | 23.04.2024 | - Submodules updated. - Documentation updated. |
1.2.1 | 29.07.2024 | - CMake updated. - Description updated. - Data structures updated. |
2.0.0 | 23.08.2024 | - Add calibration procedure. |
2.0.1 | 16.09.2024 | - Fix calibration procedure. - Add AF stuck avoidance. |
2.1.0 | 12.03.2025 | - Add noise reduction. - Add zero focus factor value (30). |
Library files
The library is supplied only by source code. The user is given a set of files in the form of a CMake project (repository). The repository structure is shown below:
CMakeLists.txt ------------ Main CMake file of the library.
3rdparty ------------------ Folder with third-party libraries.
CMakeLists.txt -------- CMake file to includes third-party libraries.
Denoiser -------------- Folder with Denoiser library source code.
Frame ----------------- Folder with Frame library source code.
src ----------------------- Folder with source code of the library.
CMakeLists.txt -------- CMake file of the library.
AFEngine.cpp ---------- C++ implementation file.
AFEngine.h ------------ Header file which includes AFEngine class declaration.
AFEngineVersion.h ----- Header file which includes version of the library. -- CMake service file to generate version file.
impl ------------------ Folder with FocusDetector implementation files.
FocusDetector.h --- Header file of focus detector library.
FocusDetector.cpp - C++ implementation file.
tests --------------------- Folder with test applications.
CMakeLists.txt -------- CMake file to includes test applications.
FocusDetectorTest ----- Focus detector test application.
CMakeLists.txt ---- CMake file of test application.
main.cpp ---------- Source code file of test application.
test.png ---------- Test image for test application.
AFEngine class description
AFEngine class declaration
AFEngine class declared in AFEngine.h file. Class declaration:
namespace cr
namespace af
/// Auto Focus Engine class.
class AFEngine
/// Class constructor.
/// Class destructor.
/// Get engine version.
static std::string getVersion();
/// Add video frame for processing.
bool addVideoFrame(cr::video::Frame& frame);
/// Update data to get AF State Machine value.
int updateData(int zoomPos, int focusPos, int& reqPos);
/// Set the AFEngine param.
bool setParam(AFParam id, float value);
/// Get the AFEngine param.
float getParam(AFParam id);
/// Execute command.
bool executeCommand(AFCommand id);
getVersion method
The getVersion() static method returns string of current version of AFEngine class. Method declaration:
static std::string getVersion();
Method can be used without AFEngine class instance:
cout << "AFEngine class version: " << AFEngine::getVersion() << endl;
Console output:
AFEngine class version: 2.1.0
addVideoFrame method
The addVideoFrame(…) method adds video frame to library for focus factor calculation. To ensure autofocus operation, the user must transfer each new video frame to the library, as well as transfer the current zoom and focus positions. The library calculates the focus factor for each frame of the video. The focus factor calculation is performed in the region of interest set in the parameters (AFParam enum).
bool addVideoFrame(cr::video::Frame& frame);
Parameter | Value |
frame | Frame class object. The library support RAW pixel formats: BGR24, RGB24, GRAY, NV12, NV21, YU12, YV12, UYVY, YUYV and YUV24. Minimum width / height of video frame is 32. Maximum width / height of video frame is 8192. |
Returns: TRUE if frame has been added of FALSE if not.
updateData method
The updateData(…) method intended to set current lens state (zoom and focus position) and gives what should lens controller do for reaching optimal focus position. The library controls auto focus mode (off, push, continuous). The principle of the library is as follows: every time the zoom or focus position changes, the user must call the updateData(…) method. In this case, the method will return the code of the action that must be performed by the lens controller to implement the autofocus function. It up to lens controller whether the same command is sent multiple times.
int updateData(int zoomPos, int focusPos, int& reqPos);
Parameter | Value |
zoomPos | Current zoom position from controller. Should use zoom position value: 0 (full wide) - 65535 (full tele). Lens controller must convert native lens zoom position range to [0:65535]. |
focusPos | Current focus position from controller. Should use focus position value: 0 (full near) - 65535 (full far). Lens controller must convert native lens focus position range to [0:65535]. |
reqPos | Reference to required focus position. The lens controller should move lens to this position. |
Returns: Action ID should be done in Lens controller.
Return value | Description |
0 | Nothing to do |
1 | Go to focus FAR. The movement speed must be decided by lens controller to provide necessary auto focus accuracy. Fast movement can lead to not accurate auto focus. |
2 | Go to “start” focus position as fast as possible. Necessary focus position is reqPos. “Start” focus position os position of auto focus start. |
3 | Go to focus NEAR. The movement speed must be decided by lens controller to provide necessary auto focus accuracy. Fast movement can lead to not accurate auto focus. |
setParam method
The setParam(…) method sets AFEngine parameters value. Method declaration:
bool setParam(AFParam id, float value);
Parameter | Description |
id | AFEngine parameter ID according to AFParam enum. |
value | AFEngine parameter value. |
Returns: TRUE is the parameter was set or FALSE if not.
getParam method
The getParam(…) method designed to obtain AFEngine parameter value. Method declaration:
float getParam(AFParam id);
Parameter | Description |
id | AFEngine parameter ID according to AFParam enum. |
Returns: parameter value or -1 of the parameters doesn’t exist.
executeCommand method
The executeCommand(…) method designed to execute AFEngine action command.
bool executeCommand(AFCommand id);
Parameter | Description |
id | AFEngine action command ID according to AFCommand enum. |
Returns: TRUE if the command executed or FALSE.
Data structures
AFCommand enum
AFCommand enum declared in AFEngine.h file:
enum class AFCommand
/// Start auto focus.
/// Stop auto focus.
/// Calibrate auto focus engine.
Table 2 - AFEngine action commands description.
Command | Description |
AF_START | Start autofocus. Push focus. |
AF_STOP | Stop autofocus. |
CALIBRATE | Calibrate auto focus engine. Measure time delay between lens position and corresponding frame and set TIME_ADJUSTMENT parameter of the AFParam enum. Typically the video from the camera comes later than the zoom or focus position from the lens controller. That is, there is a delay between the data and the focus or zoom position and the corresponding video frame. This delay affects the accuracy of autofocus (the longer the delay, the less accurate the autofocus). To reduce the effect of time delay between the zoom and focus positions and the video frame, AFEngine has a built-in calibration algorithm that is triggered by user command. Calibration is usually performed once for a particular camera and lens. To perform a calibration, the user must point the camera at a contrasting object, adjust the focus so that the object is contrasting in the video and run the calibration. AFEngine will then perform a series of actions to calculate the TIME_ADJUSTMENT parameter of the AFParam enum. |
AFParam enum
AFParam enum declared in AFEngine.h file:
enum class AFParam
/// Auto focus mode
/// 0 - Off 1 - PUSH AF, 2 - CAF
/// (write/read)
/// Auto focus ROI top-left corner horizontal position in pixels.
/// Auto focus ROI is rectangle.
/// (write/read)
/// Auto focus ROI top-left corner vertical position in pixels.
/// Auto focus ROI is rectangle.
/// (write/read)
/// Auto focus ROI bottom-right corner horizontal position in pixels.
/// Auto focus ROI is rectangle.
/// (write/read)
/// Auto focus ROI bottom-right corner vertical position in pixels.
/// Auto focus ROI is rectangle.
/// (write/read)
/// Auto focus auto ROI top-left corner horizontal position in pixels.
/// Auto focus ROI is rectangle.
/// (read)
/// Auto focus auto ROI top-left corner vertical position in pixels.
/// Auto focus ROI is rectangle.
/// (read)
/// ROI width (pixels) for auto focus algorithm when lens controller detects
/// ROI position automatically. Value: from 8 to (video frame width -
/// (write/read)
/// ROI height (pixels) for auto focus algorithm when lens controller
/// detects ROI position automatically. Value: from 8
/// (video frame width - AUTO_AF_ROI_BORDER * 2).
/// (write/read)
/// Video frame border size (along vertical and horizontal axes).
/// Value: border size from 0 to video frame
/// min(video frame width/height) / 2.
/// (write/read)
/// AF ROI mode. Value: 0 - Manual position, 1 - Auto position.
/// (write/read)
/// AF threshold. Value 0-100 (%).
/// (write/read)
/// AF refocus timeout sec in CAF mode. 0 - no refocus by timeout
/// (write/read)
/// Focus factor value
/// (read)
/// Threshold to detect FOCUS|ZOOM moving. Depends on implementation
/// Depends on implementation
/// (write/read)
/// Threshold to detect ZOOM moving.
/// Depends on implementation
/// (write/read)
/// Time adjustment for AF procedure, ms.
/// Basicaly frame come with some delay relative to the position,
/// For optimal FF taken past position.
/// (write/read)
/// FOCUS position accuracy to detect position reached
/// in case focus position feadback is not accurate
/// AFEngine decide that required position reached if FOCUS stop moving
/// (according FOCUS_MOVE_THRESHOLD option) and
/// current position differ from required less than FOCUS_POSITION_ACCURACY
/// (write/read)
/// Focus factor decreasing threshold Value 0-100 (%)
/// In AF procedure switch focus moving direction if
/// (write/read)
/// Noise reduction mode. Value: 0 - Off, 1 - On.
/// (write/read)
/// Noise reduction level. Value: 0 - 100%.
/// (write/read)
Table 3 - Auto focus engine params description.
Parameter | Access | Description |
AF_MODE | read / write | Autofocus mode: 0 - Off (method updateData(…) always returns 0) 1 - Push AF (doing auto focus algorithm only by command), 2 - Continuous AF (start autofocus after zoom changed). |
AF_ROI_X0 | read / write | Autofocus ROI top-left corner horizontal position, pixels. Initial auto focus ROI position should be set by user in advance according to frame size. |
AF_ROI_Y0 | read / write | Autofocus ROI top-left corner vertical position, pixels. Initial auto focus ROI position should be set by user in advance according to frame size. |
AF_ROI_X1 | read / write | Autofocus ROI bottom-right corner horizontal position, pixels. Initial auto focus ROI position should be set by user in advance according to frame size. |
AF_ROI_Y1 | read / write | Autofocus ROI bottom-right corner vertical position, pixels. Initial auto focus ROI position should be set by user in advance according to frame size. |
AF_AUTO_ROI_Y0 | read only | Autofocus auto ROI top-left corner horizontal position in pixels. If parameter AF_ROI_MODE == 1 the library will detect “optimal” auto focus ROI position. |
AF_AUTO_ROI_X0 | read only | Autofocus auto ROI top-left corner vertical position in pixels. If parameter AF_ROI_MODE == 1 the library will detect “optimal” auto focus ROI position. |
AF_AUTO_ROI_WIDTH | read / write | Auto ROI width (pixels) for autofocus algorithm. By default 128. User should set preferable auto focus ROI width. If parameter AF_ROI_MODE == 1 the library will detect “optimal” auto focus ROI position. |
AF_AUTO_ROI_HEIGHT | read / write | Auto ROI height (pixels) for autofocus algorithm. User should set preferable auto focus ROI height. If parameter AF_ROI_MODE == 1 the library will detect “optimal” auto focus ROI position. |
AF_AUTO_ROI_BORDER | read / write | Auto ROI border size, pixels. Border size used to exclude video frame borders for auto ROI detection. |
AF_ROI_MODE | read / write | Auto focus ROI mode: 0 - Manual position (user must set ROI position), 1 - Auto position (“optimal” ROI position will be detected by library). |
AF_CAF_FF_THRESHOLD | read / write | Threshold for changes of focus factor to start refocus in Continuous AF mode: 0% - no check (the library will no control focus factor to start AF automatically), 100% - changing x2. |
AF_CAF_REFOCUS_TIMEOUT_SEC | read / write | Timeout for automatic refocus, seconds. 0 - no automatic refocus, 100000 - maximum value. |
AF_FOCUS_FACTOR | read only | Focus factor value, relative units depends on image (>0). |
FOCUS_MOVE_THRESHOLD | read / write | Focus moving threshold in units ([0:65535] range). Value depends on lens controller. Used to detect Focus movement. Some lens controller may give us zoom and focus position with fluctuations. To avoid false focus movement detection user should set threshold (if current focus position has absolute value ([0:65535] range) more than previous +/- threshold the AFEngine will decide that focus is moving.) |
ZOOM_MOVE_THRESHOLD | read / write | Zoom moving threshold in units ([0:65535] range). Value depends on lens controller. Used to detect Zoom movement. Some lens controller may give us zoom and focus position with fluctuations. To avoid false zoom movement detection user should set threshold (if current zoom position has absolute value ([0:65535] range) more than previous +/- threshold the AFEngine will decide that zoom is moving.) |
TIME_ADJUSTMENT | read / write | Usually in the systems there is a latency between video frame and actual zoom and focus position obtained from lens hardware. Also there usually number of zoom and focus measurements per second more then video FPS. The library assumes that obtaining zoom and focus position faster than corresponding frame coming to AFEngine. The value means delay in ms. between current zoom/focus position and corresponding frame. May be measured by CALIBRATE command. |
FOCUS_POSITION_ACCURACY | read / write | Focus position accuracy to detect position reached in units ([0:65535] range). It used to detect when lens reached particular position. In case focus position feedback is not accurate AFEngine decide that required position reached if FOCUS stop moving (according FOCUS_MOVE_THRESHOLD option) and curent position differ from required less than FOCUS_POSITION_ACCURACY |
FF_DECREASE_THRESHOLD | read / write | Focus factor decreasing threshold. Value 0 - 100%. Default value is 80%. When auto focus starts the library detect when to stop and start moving focus in opposite direction if focus factor decreasing more than threshold from initial value before auto focus start. |
NOISE_REDUCTION_MODE | read / write | Noise reduction mode. Value: 0 - Off, 1 - On. Applying bilateral filter to avoid the influence of graininess on noisy image. |
NOISE_REDUCTION_LEVEL | read / write | Noise reduction level. Value: 0 - 100%. Bilateral filter strength. |
Build and connect to your project
Typical commands to build AFEngine library:
cd AFEngine
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
If you want connect AFEngine library to your CMake project as source code you can make follow. For example, if your repository has structure:
Create folder 3rdparty in your repository and copy AFEngine repository folder there. New structure of your repository:
Create CMakeLists.txt file in 3rdparty folder. CMakeLists.txt should contain:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.13)
## dependencies for the project
project(3rdparty LANGUAGES CXX)
## basic 3rd-party settings before use
# To inherit the top-level architecture when the project is used as a submodule.
# Disable self-overwriting of parameters inside included subdirectories.
## 3rd-party submodules configuration
## Adding subdirectories according to the 3rd-party configuration
File 3rdparty/CMakeLists.txt adds folder AFEngine to your project and will exclude test application from compiling (by default tests excluded from compiling if AFEngine included as sub-repository). Your repository new structure will be:
Next you need include folder 3rdparty in main CMakeLists.txt file of your repository. Add string at the end of your main CMakeLists.txt:
Next you have to include AFEngine library in your src/CMakeLists.txt file:
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} AFEngine)
Pseudo code of using AFEngine in lens controller library:
#include "AFEngine.h"
class yourLens : public Lens
cr::af::AFEngine m_afEngine;
#include "yourLens.h"
/// Class constructor.
m_afEngine.setParam(cr::af::AFParam::FOCUS_MOVE_THRESHOLD, 0);
m_afEngine.setParam(cr::af::AFParam::ZOOM_MOVE_THRESHOLD, 0);
m_afEngine.setParam(cr::af::AFParam::FOCUS_POSITION_ACCURACY, 350);
m_afEngine.setParam(cr::af::AFParam::FF_DECREASE_THRESHOLD, 80);
/// Add video frame to calculate focus factor.
void cr::lens::yourLens::addVideoFrame(cr::video::Frame& frame)
void cr::lens::yourLens::lensCommunicationThreadFunction()
int reqPos=0;
int afAction = 0;
int afActionPrev = 0;
afAction = m_afEngine.updateData(m_params.zoomPos,
if(afAction == 0)
m_params.afIsActive = false;
m_params.afIsActive = true;
case 0: // nothing to do
case 1: // move to far
if(afAction!= afActionPrev)
/// Place code to move lens FAR with AF_HW_SPEED
case 2: // move to Start or optimal
if(afAction!= afActionPrev)
/// Place code to move lens as fast as possible to FOCUS_TO_ABS_POS = reqPos
case 3: // move to near
if(afAction!= afActionPrev)
/// Place code to move lens FAR with AF_HW_SPEED
afActionPrev = afAction;