Object detectors

This section contains a description of object detectors that can be used by other SDK libraries or separately for detection objects on video. This category consists of the following libraries:

Library Description
(Linux and Windows)
Provides standard interface as well defines data structures and rules for different object detectors (motion detectors, changes detectors, neural networks etc.). ObjectDetector interface class doesn’t do anything, just provides interface, defines data structures and provides methods to encode / decode commands and encode / decode params. No external dependencies.
(Linux and Windows)
The DNN object detector implementation. Provides automatic detection of objects on videos through the utilization of neural networks based on OpenCV. External dependencies: OpenCV (version >= 4.5, Apache 2.0 license).
(Linux and Windows)
The DNN object detector implementation. Provides an automatic detection of objects on videos through the utilization of neural networks based on OpenVINO™ runtime. This library is optimized and tested for Ultralytics YOLOv8 neural network model and provides simple interface. External dependencies: OpenCV (version >= 4.5, Apache 2.0 license) and OpenVINO™ (Apache 2.0 license).
(Linux and Windows)
The video changes detector library provides automatic detection of subtle changes in videos. It is suitable for various types of cameras, including daylight, SWIR, MWIR, and LWIR, and ensures accurate detection of small-size and low-contrast objects against complex backgrounds. External dependencies: OpenCV (version >= 4.5, Apache 2.0 license, required only for test applications to create a user interface).
(Linux and Windows)
The motion object detector library provides automatic detection of moving objects in videos. It is suitable for various types of cameras, including daylight, SWIR, MWIR, and LWIR, and ensures accurate detection of small-size and low-contrast moving objects against complex backgrounds. External dependencies: OpenCV (version >= 4.5, Apache 2.0 license, required only for test applications to create a user interface).

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