IRayFtCamera C++ library
Table of contents
- Overview
- Versions
- Library files
- IRayFtCamera class description
- IRayFtCamera class declaration
- getVersion method
- openCamera method
- initCamera method
- closeCamera method
- isCameraOpen method
- isCameraConnected method
- setParam method
- getParam method
- getParams method
- executeCommand method
- decodeAndExecuteCommand method
- encodeSetParamCommand method of Camera class
- encodeCommand method of Camera class
- decodeCommand method of Camera class
- Data structures
- CameraParams class description
- Build and connect to your project
- Simple example
- Test application
The IRayFtCamera C++ library is a software controller for IRray FT cameras. The IRayFtCamera library inherits Camera interface. It depends on libraries: Camera (provides interface and data structures to control cameras, source code included, Apache 2.0 license), Logger (provides function to print log information in console and files, source code included, Apache 2.0 license), SerialPort (provides functions to work with serial ports, source code included, Apache 2.0 license). The IRayFtCamera library provides simple interface to be integrated in any C++ projects. The library repository (folder) provided by source code and doesn’t have third-party dependencies to be specially installed in OS. It developed with C++17 standard and compatible with Linux and Windows.
Table 1 - Library versions.
Version | Release date | What’s new |
1.0.0 | 30.05.2023 | - First version |
2.0.0 | 07.03.2024 | - Interface updated. - Test application updated. - Documentation updated. |
2.0.1 | 24.04.2024 | - Code review and documentation update. |
2.0.2 | 23.05.2024 | - Documentation updated. - Submodules updated. |
2.0.3 | 07.08.2024 | - CMake structure updated. |
Library files
The library supplied by source code only. The user would be given a set of files in the form of a CMake project (repository). The repository structure is shown below:
CMakeLists.txt ---------------- Main CMake file of the library.
3rdparty ---------------------- Folder with third-party libraries.
CMakeLists.txt ------------ CMake file to include third-party libraries.
Camera -------------------- Folder with Camera library source code.
Logger -------------------- Folder with Logger library source code.
SerialPort ---------------- Folder with SerialPort library source code.
src --------------------------- Folder with source code of the library.
CMakeLists.txt ------------ CMake file of the library.
IRayFtCamera.cpp ---------- C++ implementation file.
IRayFtCamera.h ------------ Header file which includes IRayFtCamera class declaration.
IRayFtCameraVersion.h ----- Header file which includes version of the library. -- CMake service file to generate version file.
test -------------------------- Folder with test application source code.
CMakeLists.txt ------------ CMake file of the test application.
main.cpp ------------------ Source code file of the test application.
IRayFtCamera class description
IRayFtCamera Class declaration
The IRayFtCamera interface class declared in IRayFtCamera.h file. The IRayFtCamera class inherits from Camera interface class. Class declaration:
class IRayFtCamera : public cr::camera::Camera
/// Get Camera class version.
static std::string getVersion();
/// Init camera controller.
bool openCamera(std::string initString) override;
/// Init camera controller by parameters class.
bool initCamera(CameraParams& params) override;
/// Close camera serial port.
void closeCamera() override;
/// Get camera connection status.
bool isCameraOpen() override;
/// Get camera open status.
bool isCameraConnected() override;
/// Set the camera controller param.
bool setParam(CameraParam id, float value) override;
/// Get the camera controller param.
float getParam(CameraParam id) override;
/// Get the camera controller params.
void getParams(CameraParams& params) override;
/// Execute camera controller action command.
bool executeCommand(CameraCommand id) override;
/// Decode and execute command.
bool decodeAndExecuteCommand(uint8_t* data, int size) override;
getVersion method
The getVersion() returns string of IRayFtCamera class version. Method declaration:
static std::string getVersion();
Method can be used without IRayFtCamera class instance:
std::cout << "IRayFtCamera class version: " << IRayFtCamera::getVersion();
Console output:
IRayFtCamera class version: 2.0.3
openCamera method
The openCamera(…) opens serial port to communicate with camera. Method declaration:
bool openCamera(std::string initString) override;
Parameter | Value |
initString | Initialization string. Format : [serial port name];[baudrate] |
Returns: TRUE if the camera controller initialized or FALSE if not.
initCamera method
The initCamera(…) initializes controller and sets camera params (Camera interface). The method will call openCamera(…) method and after will set given camera params with setParam(…) method. Method declaration:
bool initCamera(CameraParams& params) override;
Parameter | Value |
params | CameraParams class object. |
Returns: TRUE if the controller initialized and camera parameters were set or FALSE if not.
closeCamera method
The closeCamera() method closes serial port. Method declaration:
void closeCamera() override;
isCameraOpen method
The isCameraOpen() method returns serial port open status. Method declaration:
bool isCameraOpen() override;
Returns: TRUE is the controller initialized (serial port open) or FALSE if not.
isCameraConnected method
The isCameraConnected() method returns camera connection status. Method declaration:
bool isCameraConnected() override;
Returns: TRUE if the controller has data exchange with equipment or FALSE if not.
setParam method
The setParam(…) method sets new camera controller parameter value. Method declaration:
bool setParam(CameraParam id, float value) override;
Parameter | Description |
id | Camera controller parameter ID according to CameraParam enum. |
value | Parameter value. Value depends on parameter ID. |
Returns: TRUE is the parameter was set or FALSE if not.
getParam method
The getParam(…) method intended to obtain Camera parameter value. Method declaration:
float getParam(CameraParam id) override;
Parameter | Description |
id | Camera controller parameter ID according according to CameraParam enum. |
Returns: parameter value or -1 of the parameters is not supported.
getParams method
The getParams(…) method intended to obtain Camera parameters structure. Method declaration:
void getParams(CameraParams& params) override;
Parameter | Description |
params | Reference to CameraParams class object. |
executeCommand method
The executeCommand(…) method intended to execute Camera action command. Method declaration:
bool executeCommand(CameraCommand id) override;
Parameter | Description |
id | Camera controller command ID according to CameraCommand enum. |
Returns: TRUE is the command was executed or FALSE if not.
decodeAndExecuteCommand method
The decodeAndExecuteCommand(…) method decodes and executes command on controller side. Method will decode commands which encoded by encodeCommand(…) and encodeSetParamCommand(…) methods of Camera interface class. If command decoded the method will call setParam(…) or executeCommand(…) methods for camera interfaces. This method is thread-safe. This means that the method can be safely called from any thread. Method declaration:
bool decodeAndExecuteCommand(uint8_t* data, int size) override;
Parameter | Description |
data | Pointer to input command data. |
size | Size of command. Must be 11 bytes for SET_PARAM and 7 bytes for COMMAND. |
Returns: TRUE if command decoded (SET_PARAM or COMMAND) and executed (action command or set param command).
encodeSetParamCommand method of Camera class
encodeSetParamCommand(…) static method of Camera interface class encodes command to change any remote camera parameter value. To control a camera remotely, the developer has to design his own protocol and according to it encode the command and deliver it over the communication channel. To simplify this, the Camera class contains static methods for encoding the control command. The Camera class provides two types of commands: a parameter change command (SET_PARAM) and an action command (COMMAND). encodeSetParamCommand(…) designed to encode SET_PARAM command. Method declaration:
static void encodeSetParamCommand(uint8_t* data, int& size, CameraParam id, float value);
Parameter | Description |
data | Pointer to data buffer for encoded command. Must have size >= 11. |
size | Size of encoded data. Will be 11 bytes. |
id | Parameter ID according to CameraParam enum. |
value | Parameter value. |
SET_PARAM command format:
Byte | Value | Description |
0 | 0x01 | SET_PARAM command header value. |
1 | Major | Major version of Camera class. |
2 | Minor | Minor version of Camera class. |
3 | id | Parameter ID int32_t in Little-endian format. |
4 | id | Parameter ID int32_t in Little-endian format. |
5 | id | Parameter ID int32_t in Little-endian format. |
6 | id | Parameter ID int32_t in Little-endian format. |
7 | value | Parameter value float in Little-endian format. |
8 | value | Parameter value float in Little-endian format. |
9 | value | Parameter value float in Little-endian format. |
10 | value | Parameter value float in Little-endian format. |
encodeSetParamCommand(…) is static and used without Camera class instance. This method used on client side (control system). Command encoding example:
// Buffer for encoded data.
uint8_t data[11];
// Size of encoded data.
int size = 0;
// Random parameter value.
float outValue = (float)(rand() % 20);
// Encode command.
Camera::encodeSetParamCommand(data, size, CameraParam::ROI_X0, outValue);
encodeCommand method of Camera class
encodeCommand(…) static method of Camera interface class encodes command for camera remote control. To control a camera remotely, the developer has to design his own protocol and according to it encode the command and deliver it over the communication channel. To simplify this, the Camera class contains static methods for encoding the control command. The Camera class provides two types of commands: a parameter change command (SET_PARAM) and an action command (COMMAND). encodeCommand(…) designed to encode COMMAND command (action command). Method declaration:
static void encodeCommand(uint8_t* data, int& size, CameraCommand id);
Parameter | Description |
data | Pointer to data buffer for encoded command. Must have size >= 7. |
size | Size of encoded data. Will be 7 bytes. |
id | Command ID according to CameraCommand enum. |
COMMAND format:
Byte | Value | Description |
0 | 0x00 | COMMAND header value. |
1 | Major | Major version of Camera class. |
2 | Minor | Minor version of Camera class. |
3 | id | Command ID int32_t in Little-endian format. |
4 | id | Command ID int32_t in Little-endian format. |
5 | id | Command ID int32_t in Little-endian format. |
6 | id | Command ID int32_t in Little-endian format. |
encodeCommand(…) is static and used without Camera class instance. This method used on client side (control system). Command encoding example:
// Buffer for encoded data.
uint8_t data[7];
// Size of encoded data.
int size = 0;
// Encode command.
Camera::encodeCommand(data, size, CameraCommand::NUC);
decodeCommand method of Camera class
decodeCommand(…) static method of Camera interface class decodes command on camera controller side. Method declaration:
static int decodeCommand(uint8_t* data, int size, CameraParam& paramId, CameraCommand& commandId, float& value);
Parameter | Description |
data | Pointer to input command. |
size | Size of command. Must be 11 bytes for SET_PARAM and 7 bytes for COMMAND. |
paramId | Camera parameter ID according to CameraParam enum. After decoding SET_PARAM command the method will return parameter ID. |
commandId | Camera command ID according to CameraCommand enum. After decoding COMMAND the method will return command ID. |
value | Camera parameter value (after decoding SET_PARAM command). |
Returns: 0 - in case decoding COMMAND, 1 - in case decoding SET_PARAM command or -1 in case errors.
Data structures
CameraCommand enum
Enum declaration:
enum class CameraCommand
/// Restart camera controller.
/// Do NUC.
/// Apply settings.
/// Save params.
/// Menu on.
/// Menu off.
/// Menu set.
/// Menu up.
/// Menu down.
/// Menu left.
/// Menu right.
/// Freeze, Argument: time msec.
/// Disable freeze.
Table 2 - Camera commands description.
Command | Description |
RESTART | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
NUC | Nuc command. |
APPLY_PARAMS | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
SAVE_PARAMS | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
MENU_ON | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
MENU_OFF | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
MENU_SET | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
MENU_UP | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
MENU_DOWN | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
MENU_LEFT | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
MENU_RIGHT | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
FREEZE | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
DEFREEZE | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
CameraParam enum
Enum declaration:
enum class CameraParam
/// Video frame width. Value from 0 to 16384.
WIDTH = 1,
/// Video frame height Value from 0 to 16384.
/// Display menu mode.
/// Video output type.
/// Logging mode.
/// Exposure mode.
/// Exposure time of the camera sensor.
/// White balance mode.
/// White balance area.
/// White dynamic range mode.
/// Image stabilization mode.
/// ISO sensitivity.
/// Scene mode.
/// FPS.
/// Brightness mode.
/// Brightness. Value 0 - 100%.
/// Contrast. Value 1 - 100%.
/// Gain mode.
/// Gain. Value 1 - 100%.
/// Sharpening mode.
/// Sharpening. Value 1 - 100%.
/// Palette.
/// Analog gain control mode.
/// Shutter mode.
/// Shutter position. 0 (full close) - 65535 (full open).
/// Shutter speed. Value: 0 - 100%.
/// Digital zoom mode.
/// Digital zoom. Value 1.0 (x1) - 20.0 (x20).
/// Exposure compensation mode.
/// Exposure compensation position.
/// Defog mode.
/// Dehaze mode.
/// Noise reduction mode.
/// Black and white filter mode.
/// Filter mode.
/// NUC mode for thermal cameras.
/// Auto NUC interval for thermal cameras.
/// Image flip mode.
/// DDE mode.
/// DDE level.
/// ROI top-left horizontal position, pixels.
/// ROI top-left vertical position, pixels.
/// ROI bottom-right horizontal position, pixels.
/// ROI bottom-right vertical position, pixels.
/// Camera temperature, degree.
/// ALC gate.
/// Sensor sensitivity.
/// Changing mode (day / night).
/// Changing level (day / night).
/// Chroma level. Values: 0 - 100%.
/// Details, enhancement. Values: 0 - 100%.
/// Camera settings profile.
/// Connection status (read only). Shows if we have respond from camera.
/// Value: 0 - not connected, 2 - connected.
/// Open status (read only):
/// 1 - camera control port open, 0 - not open.
/// Camera type.
/// Camera custom param.
/// Camera custom param.
/// Camera custom param.
Table 3 - Camera params description.
Parameter | Access | Description |
WIDTH | read / write | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
HEIGHT | read / write | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
DISPLAY_MODE | read / write | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
VIDEO_OUTPUT | read / write | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
LOG_MODE | read / write | Logging mode. Values: 0 - Disable, 1 - Only file, 2 - Only terminal (console), 3 - File and terminal. |
EXPOSURE_MODE | read / write | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
EXPOSURE_TIME | read / write | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
WHITE_BALANCE_MODE | read / write | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
WHITE_BALANCE_AREA | read / write | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
WHITE_DINAMIC_RANGE_MODE | read / write | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
STABILIZATION_MODE | read / write | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
ISO_SENSITIVITY | read / write | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
SCENE_MODE | read / write | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
FPS | read / write | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
BRIGHTNESS_MODE | read / write | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
BRIGHTNESS | read / write | Brightness. Value 0 - 100%. |
CONTRAST | read / write | Contrast. Value 1 - 100%. |
GAIN_MODE | read / write | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
GAIN | read / write | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
SHARPENING_MODE | read / write | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
SHARPENING | read / write | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
PALETTE | read / write | Palette value in range 0 and 19. |
AGC_MODE | read / write | Analog gain control mode. Value: 0 - Manual, 1 - Auto. |
SHUTTER_MODE | read / write | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
SHUTTER_POSITION | read / write | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
SHUTTER_SPEED | read / write | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
DIGITAL_ZOOM_MODE | read / write | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
DIGITAL_ZOOM | read only | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
EXPOSURE_COMPENSATION_MODE | read only | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
EXPOSURE_COMPENSATION_POSITION | read / write | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
DEFOG_MODE | read / write | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
DEHAZE_MODE | read / write | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
NOISE_REDUCTION_MODE | read / write | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
BLACK_WHITE_FILTER_MODE | read only | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
FILTER_MODE | read / write | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
NUC_MODE | read / write | NUC mode for thermal cameras. Value: 0 - Manual, 1 - Auto. |
AUTO_NUC_INTERVAL | read / write | Auto NUC interval for thermal cameras. Value in milliseconds from 0 (Off) to 100000. |
IMAGE_FLIP | read / write | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
DDE_MODE | read / write | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
DDE_LEVEL | read / write | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
ROI_X0 | read / write | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
ROI_Y0 | read / write | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
ROI_X1 | read / write | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
ROI_Y1 | read / write | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
TEMPERATURE | read only | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
ALC_GATE | read / write | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
SENSITIVITY | read / write | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
CHANGING_MODE | read / write | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
CHANGING_LEVEL | read / write | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
CHROMA_LEVEL | read / write | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
DETAIL | read / write | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
PROFILE | read / write | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
IS_CONNECTED | read only | Connection status. Value: 0 - no camera responses, 1 - connected. |
IS_OPEN | read only | Open status (read only): 1 - camera control port open, 0 - not open. |
TYPE | read / write | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
CUSTOM_1 | read / write | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
CUSTOM_2 | read / write | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
CUSTOM_3 | read / write | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
CameraParams class description
CameraParams class used for camera controller initialization or to get all actual params. Also CameraParams provide structure to write/read params from JSON files (JSON_READABLE macro) and provide method to encode and decode params.
CameraParams Class declaration
CameraParams interface class declared in Camera.h file. Class declaration:
class CameraParams
/// Initialization string.
std::string initString{"/dev/ttyUSB0;9600"};
/// Video frame width. Value from 0 to 16384.
int width{0};
/// Video frame height Value from 0 to 16384.
int height{0};
/// Display menu mode.
int displayMode{0};
/// Video output type.
int videoOutput{0};
/// Logging mode.
int logMode{0};
/// Exposure mode.
int exposureMode{1};
/// Exposure time of the camera sensor.
int exposureTime{0};
/// White balance mode.
int whiteBalanceMode{1};
/// White balance area.
int whiteBalanceArea{0};
/// White dynamic range mode.
int wideDynamicRangeMode{0};
/// Image stabilization mode.
int stabilisationMode{0};
/// ISO sensitivity.
int isoSensitivity{0};
/// Scene mode.
int sceneMode{0};
/// FPS.
float fps{0.0f};
/// Brightness mode.
int brightnessMode{1};
/// Brightness. Value 0 - 100%.
int brightness{0};
/// Contrast. Value 1 - 100%.
int contrast{0};
/// Gain mode.
int gainMode{1};
/// Gain. Value 1 - 100%.
int gain{0};
/// Sharpening mode.
int sharpeningMode{0};
/// Sharpening. Value 1 - 100%.
int sharpening{0};
/// Palette.
int palette{0};
/// Analog gain control mode.
int agcMode{1};
/// Shutter mode.
int shutterMode{1};
/// Shutter position. 0 (full close) - 65535 (full open).
int shutterPos{0};
/// Shutter speed. Value: 0 - 100%.
int shutterSpeed{0};
/// Digital zoom mode.
int digitalZoomMode{0};
/// Digital zoom. Value 1.0 (x1) - 20.0 (x20).
float digitalZoom{1.0f};
/// Exposure compensation mode.
int exposureCompensationMode{0};
/// Exposure compensation position.
int exposureCompensationPosition{0};
/// Defog mode.
int defogMode{0};
/// Dehaze mode.
int dehazeMode{0};
/// Noise reduction mode.
int noiseReductionMode{0};
/// Black and white filter mode.
int blackAndWhiteFilterMode{0};
/// Filter mode.
int filterMode{0};
/// NUC mode for thermal cameras.
int nucMode{0};
/// Auto NUC interval for thermal cameras.
int autoNucIntervalMsec{0};
/// Image flip mode.
int imageFlip{0};
/// DDE mode.
int ddeMode{0};
/// DDE level.
float ddeLevel{0};
/// ROI top-left horizontal position, pixels.
int roiX0{0};
/// ROI top-left vertical position, pixels.
int roiY0{0};
/// ROI bottom-right horizontal position, pixels.
int roiX1{0};
/// ROI bottom-right vertical position, pixels.
int roiY1{0};
/// Camera temperature, degree.
float temperature{0.0f};
/// ALC gate.
int alcGate{0};
/// Sensor sensitivity.
float sensitivity{0};
/// Changing mode (day / night).
int changingMode{0};
/// Changing level (day / night).
float changingLevel{0.0f};
/// Chroma level. Values: 0 - 100%.
int chromaLevel{0};
/// Details, enhancement. Values: 0 - 100%.
int detail{0};
/// Camera settings profile.
int profile{0};
/// Connection status (read only).
bool isConnected{false};
/// Open status (read only).
bool isOpen{false};
/// Camera type.
int type{0};
/// Camera custom param.
float custom1{0.0f};
/// Camera custom param.
float custom2{0.0f};
/// Camera custom param.
float custom3{0.0f};
JSON_READABLE(CameraParams, initString, width, height, displayMode,
videoOutput, logMode, exposureMode, exposureTime,
whiteBalanceMode, whiteBalanceArea, wideDynamicRangeMode,
stabilisationMode, isoSensitivity, sceneMode, fps,
brightnessMode, brightness, contrast, gainMode, gain,
sharpeningMode, sharpening, palette, agcMode, shutterMode,
shutterPos, shutterSpeed, digitalZoomMode, digitalZoom,
exposureCompensationMode, exposureCompensationPosition,
defogMode, dehazeMode, noiseReductionMode,
blackAndWhiteFilterMode, filterMode, nucMode,
autoNucIntervalMsec, imageFlip, ddeMode, ddeLevel,
roiX0, roiY0, roiX1, roiY1, alcGate, sensitivity,
changingMode, changingLevel, chromaLevel, detail,
profile, type, custom1, custom2, custom3)
/// operator =
CameraParams& operator= (const CameraParams& src);
/// Encode params. The method doesn't encode initString.
bool encode(uint8_t* data, int bufferSize, int& size,
CameraParamsMask* mask = nullptr);
/// Decode params. The method doesn't decode initString.
bool decode(uint8_t* data, int dataSize);
Table 4 - CameraParams class fields description is equivalent to CameraParam enum description.
Field | type | Description |
initString | string | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
width | int | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
height | int | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
displayMode | int | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
videoOutput | int | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
logMode | int | Logging mode. Values: 0 - Disable 1 - Only file 2 - Only terminal (console) 3 - File and terminal |
exposureMode | int | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
exposureTime | int | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
whiteBalanceMode | int | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
whiteBalanceArea | int | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
wideDynamicRangeMode | int | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
stabilisationMode | int | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
isoSensetivity | int | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
sceneMode | int | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
fps | float | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
brightnessMode | int | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
brightness | int | Brightness. Value 0 - 100%. |
contrast | int | Contrast. Value 1 - 100%. |
gainMode | int | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
gain | int | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
sharpeningMode | int | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
sharpening | int | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
palette | int | Palette value in range 0 and 19. |
agcMode | int | Analog gain control mode. Value: 0 - Manual, 1 - Auto. |
shutterMode | int | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
shutterPos | int | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
shutterSpeed | int | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
digitalZoomMode | int | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
digitalZoom | float | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
exposureCompensationMode | int | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
exposureCompensationPosition | int | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
defogMode | int | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
dehazeMode | int | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
noiseReductionMode | int | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
blackAndWhiteFilterMode | int | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
filterMode | int | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
nucMode | int | NUC mode for thermal cameras. Value: 0 - Manual, 1 - Auto. |
autoNucIntervalMsec | int | Auto NUC interval for thermal cameras. Value in milliseconds from 0 (Off) to 100000. |
imageFlip | int | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
ddeMode | int | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
ddeLevel | float | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
roiX0 | int | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
roiY0 | int | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
roiX1 | int | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
roiY1 | int | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
temperature | float | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
alcGate | int | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
sensitivity | float | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
changingMode | int | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
changingLevel | float | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
chromaLevel | int | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
detail | int | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
profile | int | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
isConnected | bool | Connection status. Value: 0 - no camera responses, 1 - connected. |
isOpen | bool | Open status (read only): 1 - camera control port open, 0 - not open. |
type | int | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
custom1 | float | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
custom2 | float | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
custom3 | float | Not supported by IRayFtCamera library. |
None: CameraParams class fields listed in above reflect params set/get by methods setParam(…) and getParam(…).
Serialize camera params
CameraParams class provides method encode(…) to serialize camera params. Serialization of camera params necessary in case when you have to send camera params via communication channels. Method doesn’t encode initString field. Method provides options to exclude particular parameters from serialization. To do this method inserts binary mask (8 bytes) where each bit represents particular parameter and decode(…) method recognizes it. Method declaration:
bool encode(uint8_t* data, int bufferSize, int& size, CameraParamsMask* mask = nullptr);
Parameter | Value |
data | Pointer to data buffer. Buffer size must be >= 237 bytes. |
bufferSize | Data buffer size. Buffer size must be >= 237 bytes. |
size | Size of encoded data. |
mask | Parameters mask - pointer to CameraParamsMask structure. CameraParamsMask (declared in Camera.h file) determines flags for each field (parameter) declared in CameraParams class. If the user wants to exclude any parameters from serialization, he can put a pointer to the mask. If the user wants to exclude a particular parameter from serialization, he should set the corresponding flag in the CameraParamsMask structure. |
Returns: TRUE if params encoded (serialized) or FALSE if not.
CameraParamsMask structure declaration:
struct CameraParamsMask
bool width{true};
bool height{true};
bool displayMode{true};
bool videoOutput{true};
bool logMode{true};
bool exposureMode{true};
bool exposureTime{true};
bool whiteBalanceMode{true};
bool whiteBalanceArea{true};
bool wideDynamicRangeMode{true};
bool stabilisationMode{true};
bool isoSensitivity{true};
bool sceneMode{true};
bool fps{true};
bool brightnessMode{true};
bool brightness{true};
bool contrast{true};
bool gainMode{true};
bool gain{true};
bool sharpeningMode{true};
bool sharpening{true};
bool palette{true};
bool agcMode{true};
bool shutterMode{true};
bool shutterPos{true};
bool shutterSpeed{true};
bool digitalZoomMode{true};
bool digitalZoom{true};
bool exposureCompensationMode{true};
bool exposureCompensationPosition{true};
bool defogMode{true};
bool dehazeMode{true};
bool noiseReductionMode{true};
bool blackAndWhiteFilterMode{true};
bool filterMode{true};
bool nucMode{true};
bool autoNucIntervalMsec{true};
bool imageFlip{true};
bool ddeMode{true};
bool ddeLevel{true};
bool roiX0{true};
bool roiY0{true};
bool roiX1{true};
bool roiY1{true};
bool temperature{true};
bool alcGate{true};
bool sensitivity{true};
bool changingMode{true};
bool changingLevel{true};
bool chromaLevel{true};
bool detail{true};
bool profile{true};
bool isConnected{true};
bool isOpen{true};
bool type{true};
bool custom1{true};
bool custom2{true};
bool custom3{true};
Example without parameters mask:
// Encode data.
CameraParams in;
in.profile = 10;
uint8_t data[1024];
int size = 0;
in.encode(data, 1024, size);
cout << "Encoded data size: " << size << " bytes" << endl;
Example with parameters mask:
// Prepare params.
CameraParams in;
in.profile = 3;
// Prepare mask.
CameraParamsMask mask;
mask.profile = false; // Exclude profile. Others by default.
// Encode.
uint8_t data[1024];
int size = 0;
in.encode(data, 1024, size, &mask);
cout << "Encoded data size: " << size << " bytes" << endl;
Deserialize camera params
CameraParams class provides method decode(…) to deserialize camera params (fields of CameraParams class, see Table 4). Deserialization of camera params necessary in case when you need to receive params via communication channels. Method automatically recognizes which parameters were serialized by encode(…) method. Method doesn’t decode initString field. Method declaration:
bool decode(uint8_t* data, int dataSize);
Parameter | Value |
data | Pointer to data buffer with serialized camera params. |
dataSize | Size of command data. |
Returns: TRUE if params decoded (deserialized) or FALSE if not.
// Encode data.
CameraParams in;
uint8_t data[1024];
int size = 0;
in.encode(data, 1024, size);
cout << "Encoded data size: " << size << " bytes" << endl;
// Decode data.
CameraParams out;
if (!out.decode(data, size))
cout << "Can't decode data" << endl;
Read and write camera params to JSON file
Camera library depends on ConfigReader library which provides method to read params from JSON file and to write params to JSON file. Example of writing and reading params to JSON file:
// Write params to file.
cr::utils::ConfigReader inConfig;
inConfig.set(in, "cameraParams");
// Read params from file.
cr::utils::ConfigReader outConfig;
cout << "Can't open config file" << endl;
return false;
TestCameraParams.json will look like:
"cameraParams": {
"agcMode": 252,
"alcGate": 125,
"autoNucIntervalMsec": 47,
"blackAndWhiteFilterMode": 68,
"brightness": 67,
"brightnessMode": 206,
"changingLevel": 84.0,
"changingMode": 239,
"chromeLevel": 137,
"contrast": 65,
"custom1": 216.0,
"custom2": 32.0,
"custom3": 125.0,
"ddeLevel": 25,
"ddeMode": 221,
"defogMode": 155,
"dehazeMode": 239,
"detail": 128,
"digitalZoom": 47.0,
"digitalZoomMode": 157,
"displayMode": 2,
"exposureCompensationMode": 213,
"exposureCompensationPosition": 183,
"exposureMode": 192,
"exposureTime": 16,
"filterMode": 251,
"fps": 19.0,
"gain": 111,
"gainMode": 130,
"height": 219,
"imageFlip": 211,
"initString": "dfhglsjirhuhjfb",
"isoSensetivity": 32,
"logMode": 252,
"noiseReductionMode": 79,
"nucMode": 228,
"palette": 115,
"profile": 108,
"roiX0": 93,
"roiX1": 135,
"roiY0": 98,
"roiY1": 206,
"sceneMode": 195,
"sensitivity": 70.0,
"sharpening": 196,
"sharpeningMode": 49,
"shutterMode": 101,
"shutterPos": 157,
"shutterSpeed": 117,
"stabilisationMode": 170,
"type": 55,
"videoOutput": 18,
"whiteBalanceArea": 236,
"whiteBalanceMode": 30,
"wideDynamicRangeMode": 21,
"width": 150
Build and connect to your project
Typical commands to build IRayFtCamera library:
cd IRayFtCamera
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
If you want connect IRayFtCamera library to your CMake project as source code you can make follow. For example, if your repository has structure:
Create folder 3rdparty and copy folder of IRayFtCamera repository there. New structure of your repository:
Create CMakeLists.txt file in IRayFtCamera folder. CMakeLists.txt should contain:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.13)
## dependencies for the project
project(3rdparty LANGUAGES CXX)
## basic 3rd-party settings before use
# To inherit the top-level architecture when the project is used as a submodule.
# Disable self-overwriting of parameters inside included subdirectories.
## 3rd-party submodules configuration
## Adding subdirectories according to the 3rd-party configuration
File 3rdparty/CMakeLists.txt adds folder IRayFtCamera to your project and excludes test application from compiling (by default test application is excluded from compiling if IRayFtCamera is included as sub-repository). The new structure of your repository:
Next you need include folder 3rdparty in main CMakeLists.txt file of your repository. Add string at the end of your main CMakeLists.txt:
Next you have to include IRayFtCamera library in your src/CMakeLists.txt file:
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} IRayFtCamera)
Simple example
Following example demonstrates how to use IRayFtCamera library to control camera params via Camera interface.
#include <iostream>
#include "IRayFtCamera.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace cr::camera;
/// Pointer to camera controller.
Camera* g_camera{nullptr};
int main(void)
string portName = "/dev/ttyUSB0";
int baudrate = 57600;
// Init camera controller.
IRayFtCamera* controller = new IRayFtCamera();
// Open camera.
g_camera = controller;
if (!g_camera->openCamera(portName + ";" + to_string(baudrate)))
cout << "ERROR: Camera controller not init. Exit..." << endl;
return -1;
// Set logging mode.
g_camera->setParam(CameraParam::LOG_MODE, 2);
// Set brightness.
g_camera->setParam(CameraParam::BRIGHTNESS, 50);
// Set contrast.
g_camera->setParam(CameraParam::CONTRAST, 50);
// Get camera params.
CameraParams params;
if (!g_camera->getParams(params))
cout << "ERROR: Can't get camera params" << endl;
return -1;
// Get brightness.
cout << "Brightness: " << g_camera->getParam(CameraParam::BRIGHTNESS) << endl;
return 1;
Test application
IRayFtCamera/test folder contains test application which demonstrates how to use IRayFtCamera library. Test application allows to connect to camera, set and get camera params. Test application can be used to test camera controller and to set/get camera params.
Test application will show introduction message and will ask to enter camera port name. After that test application will connect to camera and will show main menu. Main menu allows to set and get camera params and execute commands.
Test application output will look like:
IRayFtCamera v2.0.3 test.
Enter serial port name:
Choose option:
1 - Set camera param
2 - Get camera param
3 - Execute camera command
-1 - Exit
- If you enter 1, test application will show list of camera params and will ask to enter param number and value. Output will look like:
Camera params:
Choose command (-1 to exit to main menu):
- If you enter 2, test application will show list of camera params to read from camera and then it will print the value of this param. Output will look like:
Camera params:
Choose command (-1 to exit to main menu):
- If you enter 3, test application will show list of camera commands to execute. Output will look like:
Camera commands:
2 - NUC